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Wat did i do


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Well first off, the girl that i like and i have the same ex (we me through her and didn't like eachother at first). After we were both done with the girl we became friends n i always felt some type of chemistry but was never sure so i didnt discuss it(that was junior yr of highschool). After that she moved bk to dc then we lost contact. About two weeks ago, she hmu on facebook n we got to talking, i then told her (what is my biggest mistake to date) that i use to like her and kinda still did, she replied and said the same.



We began talking more often, she seemed really interested then one day.......everything changed. It was like she didnt want to be bothered, so i did wat females do n we talked, i kinda blew up on her but she insisted she still felt the same so i gave it another shot. She started webcamming and everything. Now things seem so different between her and i, she's avoiding me (i think)-saying she'll call n doesnt, posting stupid statuses about how she "gets bitches" and doesnt trust anyone when just the other day she was saying how she trusted me, could see herself with me, and was happy whenever we talked...it just seems like she has time to do everything else but talk to me, we've been through sooo much together previously to me confessing my feelings for her and i told her that i would understand if she'd rather not go there or leave it as solely a friendship but she insisted that we let things "flow". We have known eachother for 4 years so i dont understand why she cant be honest with me!!!



My question (s):


Is she avoiding me????

Would a "friend" really do something like this to another friend?

Should i leave her alone, totally ignore her?

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