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Ex's mail


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I started getting mail for my ex and her son. It's her address where she lives that's forwarded to my house from when she lived with me. She actually moved back to that same address to get back with her ex. I don't think she put in a change of address. The mail is some letter from her doctor and a letter to her son from his bank, marked urgent.


Any advice on what to do? Should I throw the mail away? I don't really want to contact her regarding this.



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Take a RED magic marker and write this on it.."RETURN TO SENDER"...Take it to your local Post Office and drop it on the counter...telling the clerk....'That person does NOT live there."Or just do what I do..Throw it away...its not YOUR concern to deliver HER mail to her.

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I'm sure she'd just throw out my mail. I wrote "return to sender no forwarding address" on it and put it in my mail box. If the postal carrier doesn't pick it up, in the trash it goes.

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