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Really struggling. WHY does he do this????


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Exactly one week no contact today! Yay me!


I am struggling though. We have been broken up for a year. He recently contacted me wanting to be friends and I said NO! WHY does he run in and out of my life like that?


He has had several flings since we broke up. NONE of them last longer than 3 weeks.


I know that NC is supposed to be about me but I still wonder. Why does he run in and out of my life if he does not love me? Why does he not realize what he has lost after I finally told him I am done?


I just feel sooooooo sad today. :mad:


Open to ANY comments or advice. I just want this to be over.

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The sensible action to take would be to cut him out completely and bar him from running into your life at his will. It seems that you afford him a certain amount of power over you still.


Well done on NC, though. :)

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Have not talked to him since Jan. I thought no contact would give me back a sense of control. I wish I never would have talked to him. Just set me back to square one. :mad:

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