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I've broken no contact 8 times, I'm dying.

Jim Ryzle

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There is this girl that I have known for about a year in high-school, and in the beginning I found her as just a good friend with a charming personality, and nothing more. But as I kept talking to her, I noticed that she was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life, and developed pretty strong feelings for her. However, after I told her, she did not share those feelings back, but said i was one of her closest friends and she thought about liking me possibly. However as time passes by, I always feel like I feel for her 50 times more strongly than she does for me, and that kills me, and now she tells me she just sees me as a regular friend. For example, we probably text each other everyday, and if there are three day breaks, I feel completely miserable while she feels completely indifferent about it, and that kills me so bad. What I want is how can I stop obsessing over her and not like her at all? I try to forget about her but I always get the feeling that if I hold on just for a little bit longer.... I try blocking her but I unblock her two minutes later. This is also hard because she is my first friend I have ever been this close to, and she probably has at least four other friends that are guys and are close as I am to her.



I try to maintain no contact, but the longest I have done is three days. I see her everyday and it is so easy to unblock her and check my phone for her I just don't know what to do.


I think I am about to go insane.

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stop thinking about texting her and focus on something else. i have gone two weeks. the first day wasnt hard, from there on it goes up and down, but if you need to heal, this is the only way!!!


heal and move on! ;)

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i feel your pain. ask yourself this: which hurts more? being in contact with someone you have strong feelings for who you know doesn't feel the same? or maintaining NC so that you can retain your sanity and stop allowing this person to take up so much of your time energy and headspace?


i know it's hard but you have to do what's best for you. i didn't like living my life in continuous limbo. it wasn't any fun to continue to put myself out there only to be flatly rejected again and again. i admit after 6 months of NC i still have feelings for him.


but i've become more realistic about them and more importantly, i feel *much* better. i can focus on other things again and no longer have that dull aching feeling in the pit of my stomach anymore.


not sure if you've seen this but sometimes having a guide helps:




whenever i had the urge to break NC i read this. it helped remind me why i needed to stick to NC and what i needed to do to keep myself sane and emotionally healthy.

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