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My Feelings after 5 months NC


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First of all, LS has been a huge help, I still feel lonely but I am getting some good days/weeks now. I must admit, after a 2+ year relationship and 5 months NC, I feel I have progressed to healing as opposed to the false hope of the ex reaching out. I still miss my ex a lot. As the DUmpee, sticking to NC is much more important, rejection twice may set me back. I did seek out a professional to speak with, this is something I never thought I would do, its been a huge help. If you are thinking about it, just do it, its great to have an unbiased ear.


I have started dating (dating sites, which is new to me). Its not my preferred method but it does help with the time. I am not dating as much as I would like.


Positives so far, I have dropped a lot of weight due to working out, counselor was a huge help. Stress levels have gone way down.


Negatives, most of the time, I work, work out and get involved with other hobbies but I still seem to have a huge void. I still avoid the circles of friends I am use to, knowing that some are still in contact with ex.


The only thing I have heard about my ex, she was having a hard time but doing better now, I guess I am in the same boat. This was unsolicited information, I didn't react.


Unknowns: Running into my ex is going to be unavoidable, I am really not sure how to or how I will handle the situation, Any suggestions? Keep in mind, it wasn't a bad break up, it was civil, no mud slinging (at least to my knowledge) but I didn't want it to end.


I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors, Just jotting down my thoughts.

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I am so glad that you're doing well. Keep it up! :)


I wish my future self would visit me to let me know how I will be in 5 months ;).

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Sounds like you are on the right track. Hopefully you'll find someone or something to fill the void - but remember to put yourself first!

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running into the ex is a unavoidable for me too. but five months and you are feeling this way? you wont feel bad for long when you see him.


you need to have people with you when you think you might see the ex somewhere.


me i was with my professor when that happened. so yeah it didnt feel bad at all. i am four months out and since hes gone, the big dream started to settle down. i hope you will feel better soon. its just an ex, should not be anything to you anymore.

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