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NC thoughts and experience


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I have been viewing LS for most of my NC, I did the typical stuff, the last time we saw each other, I begged and pleaded once (Still gut wrenching when I think about it) but I found comfort in these boards that its pretty typical.


Being the Dumpee, I have had a few friends tell me I should reach out, knowing I could probably see her. I decided against this because of what I read here. I still love this person but contact would have to begin with her, I believe if you are the Dumpee, it comes down to self respect, running back to the dumper only comes off as weak especially if you exhausted all avenues to save the relationship already.


I do believe that the relationship would have a better chance of working out if the Dumper came back to the Dumpee.


So what am I going to do? I am going to keep healing and if/when she does call or I bump into her, I will decide what I want.


What has helped with the healing:

I don't log onto Facebook unless I am alerted to emails, messages etc. I don't do any type of stalking, I will admit, the first two months of NC I visited her page, FB can and will set you back.


Exercise, I am looking very fit, its nice, its to the point where others are noticing.


I have not dated that much, actually, I have been on two dates but I am focusing more on me instead worrying about the dating scene, Dating will come when I am ready.


I still miss her, I don't worry about if she is dating or dating someone not do I worry about if she left me for another guy (If she did and I have no evidence of that being the case, it hasn't worked out because she is single). in reality it doesn't matter. When I get down, Its more about the potential I thought we had.


Thank you to all posters, you've all been a big help.

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Great to see that your doing soo well since your breakup and continuing to improve yourself as a person. NC really is the best way to heal and move forward.

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