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, I don't know about this?

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I'm sorta falling for my Aunt In Law's little brother. He's 15 I'm 14. We know that it wouldn't work out and at because were family. I told him yesterday that I sorta was starting to have feelings for him.. I didn't know he felt the same but he told me. Were like just alike.. we like EVERYTHING the same. Music, dream place .. we wish to go to the same places, our favorite time of the day is nighttime, we think alike. I mean it's just exact! But.. we can't get serious because were family. I don't wanna be getting serious with anyone anyway. I just got out of a 2 year relationship .. I know I'm too young blahblah.. ugh. I learned alot thou from that relationship. Made me stronger & better.


I might be being selfish but.. he's not that very good lookin' but he has a good heart... what's wrong with me? I mean it doesn't bother me. It's not a problem it's not about the looks it's about who the person is. But I never would date someone that's unattractive to me. I swear I'm not a horrible person and I'm not a sl*ut. It's just the looks is plus. He's not ugly but he's not my type. But he has a very very good heart. What do I do? :(


Please help?


We are not blood btw. =/


This is what he said to me on Facebook.



you're beautiful with an awesome smile




I.. Well thanks..



im not very handsome

do deny it

typo: Don't







Im not handsome and i know it

and so do u

but what do u like about me


I know how to answer the last part where he asks what I liked about him, he's amazing but, I don't know how to answer the part about the handsomeness.. He's not really my type and I feel so bad about it.


Here's more...



I look like road kill






no u don't ur da best looking gurl ive seen ever and im in love with u i try my best not snap in the kitchen cus at those moments when we look at each other i want to jus slowly kiss u and jus forget about everything else cus u make me wanna save teh world from poverty that's the kinda affect u have on me and I love u so much u don't have to lie to me about anything cus i love u and i don't laugh at ur flaws and i wanna love u but imma end it here

should i continue



Continue.... :)



Ill be a minute





Edited by xWhyMe
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I know this could be a while from now for you, but how do you view marriage being like? Do you see your husband as a sweet guy who has a big heart but you aren't really physically attracted to him? Do you see him as extremely attractive but kind of boring and not really all that nice? Or do you see him as attractive and kind with a big heart?


My point is, even though it does make us feel guilty about judging on looks, that's all part of the equation, and sometimes it just isn't compatible. We feel guilty about it because the guy can't just change what he looks like (for the most part), and so it feels like we discriminate. And that's just it, we do discriminate. It's just all part of the process.


The other thing is, he's family!! I understand that you aren't blood linked, but something like that following today's standards is going to be difficult for people in your family (and outsiders) to accept. Yes, if you two got married and had kids, the gene pool would not weaken or become tainted, but it's purely cultural expectations that will hold you back unless you can overcome that. As tough as it may be, I would just drop the relationship. It sounds harsh, but dating family is just taboo in our society.

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