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why does he do this to me?


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my bf is alot more into wanting to go out and do things then i am. most of the time we end up sitting at home until the weekend. when he really wants to do something he bugs me about it to do it later so i'm prepared. then after all that when the time comes for us to do it, he renigs on the plans. so i've come to call his bluff a few times when he's trying to get me to do something with him, then when i say o.k. lets go, he says nah, it's kinda late, or i'm kinda tired or something.


so now when he wants to do something and i really don't cause i don't enjoy it or cause i feel tired or something then he guilt trips me about the whole thing and in the end i start thinking maybe we just don't belong together cause he is more out going and i am more home body. i do things with him at times, but for the most part we stay home, he seems o.k. with it, but then he guilt trips me about something, then i call his bluff, then he don't want to do it afterall.


what the heck is going on here? i think were a little too old for playing games but what would be his motive or reasoning for acting like this? either way, i'm the one getting stuck either doing what i don't want to do, or feeling guilty cause we are not doing what he wants to do. i tell him sometimes, why don't you find someone else then? he says no he loves me! what can i do? i feel so bad, i feel like i'm robbing him of his very life! i hate this feeling. thank you.

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billy the kid

Loren, what you describe happens to me alot, but then only with my self. ( unto they self be true) any way many evenings i really really want to go fishing the next day, I make all kinds of plans spend money on stuff to go. Then the next day I just don't feel like going.. and don't.. and only later that evening I feel like, why didn't you go..( I love to fish more than ANYTHING...so now your b/f may have some other issues you both are not addressing, but it sounds like you both are playing head games. If he wants to do some thing that you do not feel like doing, let him go. let him know that you don't have to b/ sit him every where or all the time.

my bf is alot more into wanting to go out and do things then i am. most of the time we end up sitting at home until the weekend. when he really wants to do something he bugs me about it to do it later so i'm prepared. then after all that when the time comes for us to do it, he renigs on the plans. so i've come to call his bluff a few times when he's trying to get me to do something with him, then when i say o.k. lets go, he says nah, it's kinda late, or i'm kinda tired or something. so now when he wants to do something and i really don't cause i don't enjoy it or cause i feel tired or something then he guilt trips me about the whole thing and in the end i start thinking maybe we just don't belong together cause he is more out going and i am more home body. i do things with him at times, but for the most part we stay home, he seems o.k. with it, but then he guilt trips me about something, then i call his bluff, then he don't want to do it afterall.


what the heck is going on here? i think were a little too old for playing games but what would be his motive or reasoning for acting like this? either way, i'm the one getting stuck either doing what i don't want to do, or feeling guilty cause we are not doing what he wants to do. i tell him sometimes, why don't you find someone else then? he says no he loves me! what can i do? i feel so bad, i feel like i'm robbing him of his very life! i hate this feeling. thank you.

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