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Pretty vs Beautiful


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Oh how odd there is a post on this!


I am seeing a guy now, and he said 'you look pretty tonoght'..He also tells me I am pretty sometimes! Does this mean he is not interested?


My ex would tell me I am beautiful.....Hmmmm.......


I hope this thread doesn't confuse people! Sometimes men are simple creatures!

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Guys generally split women-kind into two rough groups. The hot girls and the beautiful girls. Your friend simply used the word 'pretty' instead of 'hot'.


A hot girl is a girl that is physically attractive to a guy up to the point that he'd be willing(or wants) to have sex with her, but he doesn't want a relationship with her. Guys tend to see girls who are merely hot as classless sluts, sorry for the language, but that's the unsugarcoated version of what many guys think of hot chicks. Guys don't see such girls as girlfriend material.


A beautiful girl tends to be a girl that's physically attractive to a guy, but is also attractive in terms of personality, intelligence, i.e. she has class. Beautiful girls are more attractive for guys than hot girls. Beautiful girls are considered girlfriend material.


wow....this totally made me think of my last relationship. The guy I was with said I was beautiful all the time during the relationship. He called me pretty once, which was a couple of months before he broke up with me lol. And it was the last compliment he gave me before the break too. Given that experience, I'm inclined to believe this reasoning.

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If a man calls a woman "pretty" it seems to me then that it's something casual, almost just in passing and upon first impression. When they call a woman beautiful, it's much more thoughtful.


This is most true with me. I usually would say pretty as a first impression or a first flirt to send out a feeler. It's more casual and doesn't get you in trouble. Calling a girl beautiful seem a bit too strong right away or too aggressive.

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"Pretty" is limited to appearance--skin deep.


"Beautiful" can describe much deeper attraction, or not.


My H uses both. When he says I'm beautiful, I feel like he's talking about me as a whole. When he says "you are sooooooo pretty", I feel like he's talking about my face......which is nice to hear, too :love:.

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How many men consider it a deal breaker if the woman makes less money than him? Or if she has less education than him? Or if she is shorter than him? Or if she doesn't own a boat or flashy car? Or if she lives in a townhouse?!?!?


Men are forced to accept lots of deal breakers, too.


I know that. But that's not exactly the same thing, since it's not a double standard. But I hear where you're coming from.

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seriously? really? pretty means he wants to sleep with you, beautiful means he really likes you, and you buy that ****?

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Personally when I use the word beautiful, then the girl/woman has really swept me off my feet in more ways than just physical appearance. When I think a girl is pretty than I feel attracted to her in terms of physical appearance and I also get a vibe from her that's she's decent. When I use the word 'hot', then I feel physically/sexually attracted to a girl/woman, but that feeling is more raw and less subtle and the girl/woman in question might or might not be decent.


Note though that other guys might use these words differently. When it comes to beauty then we're talking about a subjective area which is different for different people.

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I believe compliments are nice to hear from anyone, and I would never assume because a man said i was pretty or attractive, or beautiful that he wanted to sleep with me. How shallow!


What I was talking about was sexual attraction, which doesn't necessarily mean a guy actually wants to sleep with a woman they think is hot. You can be sexually attracted to someone and not want to sleep with them. It's a paradox, I know.

Edited by Nexus One
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