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Slept with friend i really like

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I have always had a thing for my best friends sister, but given the situation have never acted on it.


Now we have become close friends, knowing eachother for over 10years. A coupple of weeks back we got drunk and well one thing led to another.

She was on and off with some guy at the time (i know this dose not sound good but she really isnt the type of person to sleep about).


I told her how i really felt about her a few days later, and she said she thinks im great but shes really confused and really does like the guy she was seeing.


Now things are pritty much back the way they where before all this crap happened, but shes now broken up with this guy and i dont know what to do.

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Wait and give her the time she needs. Would it really be a problem for your friend if you 2 started a relationship at some point? Sounds like you are old enough where it may be well taken.

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