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So, how many of you guys, see a non-virgin as "damaged goods" - honestly? How many of you secretly dream of marrying a virgin? I know the Christian marriage ideals are still very present, but i'm wondering to what extent.


I'm a girl, and I'd hate to marry a virgin. So I guess I'm traditional in the sense that I think a man needs to explore and screw around a bit before settling with one woman.



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This ought to be interesting.....I'm just going to sit back and wait to see what comes up with this one!

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Originally posted by yes

So, how many of you guys, see a non-virgin as "damaged goods" - honestly? How many of you secretly dream of marrying a virgin?


Anyone whom would think that a virgin is 'damaged goods' is a friggin moron.


Although, I find that there is something utterly appealing about virgins. I guess it's the innocence; knowing that the honeypot has never been touched. I also like the fact that you'd have to teach them things in the bedroom.


...But, I don't secretly dream of marrying a virgin. I want a woman with experience!



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Originally posted by Vivid_29


the honeypot has never been touched.


Maybe it's because once she's been around too long a guys is afraid the 'pot' will have turned into a 'bucket'.




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Originally posted by Arabess

Maybe it's because once she's been around too long a guys is afraid the 'pot' will have turned into a 'bucket'.





Good one, B - :lmao: :lmao:



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I havent' been "dating" for years now but when I was I never thought about who "came" before me - what a waste of time.

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here's the sense that i have: the men who're bent on marrying virgins are of two kinds -

1) super religious - OK, whatever

2) those who screwed around a lot; men who've been in 'normal' r/s's imagine their new gf was in similar 'normal' r/s's and don't mind her having had sex in such circumstances; whereas those who've had many one-night-stands and what not imagine their new gf had sex in these vulgar circumstances, hence are bothered by it.



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Personally I would prefer a virgin over someone who just throws sex around at people. If I learn the girl has had sex before it kinda ruins things for me. I dont know what it is, but they just seem like damaged goods to me then. Plus I noticed that, atleast around where I live, that when a girl looses her virginity she kinda becomes a pompous bitch, I've seen it happen a thousand times.

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Originally posted by Alexandré

If I learn the girl has had sex before it kinda ruins things for me. I dont know what it is, but they just seem like damaged goods to me then. .


You must be a virgin to think this way. If not, what if it were to ruin things for a woman, because you've already had sex? What then?



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Plus I noticed that, atleast around where I live, that when a girl looses her virginity she kinda becomes a pompous bitch, I've seen it happen a thousand times.



You must live in a tiny place!



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I am inteed a virgin but only because I'm not interested in casual sex, I have to be in a relationship with the person to even consider it. But yeah if I were not a virgin it could very well ruin it for some girl, I've seen it happen. But its just I hate it when people just go around a **** random people, I'm not into that at all.

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yes I do live in a tiny place, my High School has less than 600 students in it, and everyone knows everyone else.

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people just go around a **** random people


Um. Lots of people who have had several partners have not been 'xing random people'. They get into relationships they think will be serious and then the relationships break up. You can't hold that against someone.

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My ex had this thing with virginity. He always mentioned that he'd choose a virgin above someone who's not. When he met me, I wasn't a virgin anymore and it used to bother him so much. He became paranoid with my first boyfriend, who by the way, he had never met and who was waaayyyy before him.


The point is, he used to tell me that he would prefer a virgin because a virgin wouldn't have anything to compare you with. .... lol... so now you see where the problem is.


When we dated, he wasn't a virgin either, by the way.

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If I said I wanted to marry a virgin, you'd all jump on me anyway--sometimes opinions are honestly solicited, but sometimes battle lines are just being drawn.

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Why is this an issue?

I don’t see how the number of sexual partners could be a reliable way to evaluate a partner’s sanity.


I think the people who make an issue out of virginity have some serious problems. The ones who boast about being a virgin are the worst.

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Originally posted by BlockHead

Why is this an issue?

I don’t see how the number of sexual partners could be a reliable way to evaluate a partner’s sanity.

I don't think a partner's 'sanity' should be the only criterion of evaluating a relationship.

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Maybe this is about a person’s value. People who are in high demand are more valuable than people who aren’t. Because he always has a girlfriend, you must hookup with him whenever the opportunity presents itself. Because he never had a girlfriend, you can always come back later. Because he had many sex partners he is more valuable than a guy who had less.


Maybe this is partly based on jealousy. If she is willing to sleep with him, then there must be something great about him.


Maybe groupthink is a factor. If my friend jumps off a bridge, then so will I. I will sleep with him because other women have slept with him. If the other women avoided him, then so will I.

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Ok, ill be honest. Its not "damaged goods" so much but it does affect what I think about her even on a subsoncious level. I'm not a virgin so im being a hypocrite but what can i say...believe me, i wish more than anything i didnt care or it didnt bother me, but it does.


And it would be nice to marry a girl who gave me her virginity...

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