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...Ex B/F likes me again...

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[color=red]Okay.. I really like this guy nick, we work together and have dated in the past.. he broke up w/ me after 3months and 3 weeks because he didn't like the way I got mad about little things all the time. We still continued to be good friends and talked quite alot. Since then I've had two relationships that lasted 2months and one 4months. The 4month relationship ended for the same reason, because I'd get mad about little things.


Its been a month since that 4 month relationship and I've changed from being that way. Nick and I really get along on a good b/f , g/f level. The other day we went over to a friends house and hung out.. we couldn't help but act like we were going out .. it just happend. I like him alot, and he says he likes me too.. but he just wants to make sure I'm going to stay cool, the way he likes me. :love: We've been hanging out alot since that first time and we kiss all the time, and have fun!


He's acting like we're going out now, but really were not even dating.. we're just seeing eachother. Should I try to make plans w/ him? or just let him make the moves into a longterm relationship.. I really like him alot, but I don't know what else to do? .. maybe I should just wait n see.. hehe.. he's a hottie[/color]

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Let him make the move, and please stop "hanging out" with him. If he wants to kiss you, he needs to take you on a proper date. Don't settle for crumbs, dear.


(And the red font is really hard on the eyes...:))

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