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Tips on attracting friends and partners

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Sorry about my lack of spelling.


My my mum is an English teacher. I always say that when my spelling is shocking.


I also did an linguistics course part time last year. I hated it and find studying english boring though. But I scored a high distiction in it; although mums help in checking my assignments and making sure they were perfect probably had a lot to do with my high mark.....


HOW DO YOU START A JOURNAL? I CANNOT keep writing my stupid cr@p on here, that is what the journal section is for SHEESH.


But for the life of me, I cannot find where to START my OWN bloody journal. I can only se eother people's. Which I have no interest in.


Except Green, if u have a journal I would read it cos you have responded to my posts and I enjoy you responses.


OH lastly that trainer at my gym, the girlfriend he has ( although het old me it was not opfficial) is apparently very skinny.


I have had anorexia andwant to be skinny every single day and I hjave to fight that, so him rejecting my sexual advances, and then saying he had a girlfriend who was very skinny, could have really upset me.


But it didn't really bother me as much as it would have done a few months ago. Probably because I realize that there is a lot more to attractio9n than being skinny.


Being skinny on a girl is attractive because it is delicate and femnine and nice for a lot of guys to look at. However, being skinny alone does not = hot sex and attractive women and a meaninglyful connecftion.


I actually realized that this guy will like me if he loves being with me, and my looks are only a factor in it all. If I am an awsome girl and he loves ME ( for me..) Then that is better than having a skinny women who is not as awsome as me.


So yeah. It hit me that, although skinnyness is viewed as vwery appealingt to SOME guys, that it is NOT the deciding factor, in determining how attractive a girl is to a guy.


I WONT be posting her again UNTIL I GET A JOURNAL.


PLEASE some one, let me know how to access ands tart my OWN. Then I will talk about myself THERE, wher I am supposed to.


I will only come back here if I get some action. Which is unlikely at this point.


I would love to get my life in order and have so much going for myself, that I get the trainer to like, fall in LOVE with me, it would just be a fun thing to happen lol.


Just for fun though. I do not NEED a guy to fall in love with me right now, but it would be a fun thing to happen in the process of building my life up, which I am doing.


You know. Like when u do not need something, but it would still be ncie if it happened.


Goodnight and see ya in my journal from now on.


I may or may not get around to masturbating tonight. I will just lay there and think about the hot guy and getting some action and the usual thoughts I have, and I may or may not fall asleep before I get around to actually masturbating.


I love that I can just say what is on my mind. Of course, I do filter it and only divulge such information about mysself to people who are the right fit, to permit such............ " brash" ness.


To most ppl I keep it very " propper" and try not to reveil much about myself. I prefer to ask people about themselves.


THAT is a great tip on attracting people for friendship or sex. ENJOY asking people about themselves. I do know a lot of ways to get friends.


I have just yet top get the friendes yet. But it has only been about 3 mnths since arriving here, and I have been depressed in bed insiude my house for weeks on end, too depressed to get out into the world.


I need to give myself time before I give up. Although I do get sp depressed and.. think a lot about dying.

Edited by Leigh 87
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Haha well there are many ways of attracting friends, my few methods include eye-contact, that's the foremost and most important method to engage with your friend and attract him or her.. Flirting could be anything from verbal, to tickling/poking you name it.


And when comfortable, ask him/her if they want to hang out some time, or go to the cinemas, but make sure you inform the person that you want to go on a date. :-)

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I will comment on comments related to this thread, just not go on about of topic matters.


I agree with the eye contact, without there is a fine line between good eye contact and looking some one in the eyes TOO MUCH, without breaking it up a little haha.


And I would never ask a guy on a date, they need to make the first move. I have balls, I did ask the trainer for sex ( once he told me he found me sexually attractive)..


but that was an exceptional circumstace. I was very sexually frustrated that day and really craved sex from him because he is so hot and I am very agttracetd physically to him.


But if a guy likes me a lot, what I would do in terms of securing a date, is just be nice and let him know I am interested.


I would give him all the signs needed to lwet him know that he can feel comofretable asking me out on a date, without much fear of rejection.


Although most guys fear rejection, even with girls who show a keen interest; but in the very least, at leat guys with me, will know that I am not enough of a b!tch to reject them harshly:)

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ew. I was 120 - 121 lbs yesterday, and I have a cold sore/coldsores. AND I got the sores on my first day of work. I felt and looked disguisting.


DEFINITLY not a successful image lol.


I am going to start counting calories for a week ( have 1600 ish) WITH exercise.


I have not bothered to count calories or make an effort to lose weight because I thought it would just naturally happen. But I do have the knowledge and tools to lose that last 5 lbs so I will.


IT IS my period tomorrow, but on the past, I never NEVER gaoned weioght during my period. I have not really been eating proper balanced meals laterly because I have been depressed, so it is nto a surprise that I have gained 2 lbs. Although it may not be real weight.


Right now, to better myself and make themost of what I have, I will do the following:


- Try to not lose my two part time jobs ( not real jobs, just the stuff you do whilst studying for the REAL career)


- Start to eat optimally, and eat the right amount to lose about 5 lbs


- keep going my exercise DVD 6 days per week


- Do a short pilate's DVD every day if I can


- I plan on going back to the martial art lesson ( a type called Akido, a really nice one. I will do this Tues and Weds, so TWICE per week


- Once my ugly cold sores go away I will use the gym about twice per week to do the program that the hot trainer gave me.


- Try to look for charities to volenteer for. Being hotter and nicer are both desirable attribites:)


- Watch one educational documentary on utube per day. learn about the world more.


There are other things too. I am about to go do my 1 hour Tracey Anderson Method matt DVD. Then later, if I can be bothered, a an easy Pilates.


I freakin hate cold sores. Some @sshole kissed me when i was a child and gave the virus to me, so WHENEVER I am run down or stressed, I get them. THEY R AWFUL omg.


Luckily, I only have some on one part of my lip. So itblends in with my mouth and does not look like a pimple or anything, yuck.


I am still not at a point in life where Iam really satisfied with my efforts, the day to day efforts. But I have been depressed and dealing with an eating disorder, so it is easy to just feel awful and stay in bed and be lazy. Which is makes you feel worse and is a viscious cycle.


I am going to go into my University and see if I can purshase any text books, although my course does not start until next year. I may as wekk do a bit of reading if I can, since I have the time.


OMG OMG though I HATED going to work today with a PAINFUL coldsore on my mouth. It really hurts:(:(:(:(


This is where having a relationship feels good. EVEN though I KNOW I need rto feel happy ON MY OWN TERMS, it IS always nice to have some one be like " aww poor thing" and be genuinly concerned about how you feel.


But relationships will only come when I am improving myself more. Smarter+hotter+ nicer+ more stable life will help me. I have not had that going for me ever.


All I had before, in my past, was being thin. Now I have to build my life up again.


I have not cried in two days which is nice.

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