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God, if homosexuality is an abomination, why are some people born to feel this way?

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Can you make fred bigger for me? ur god and should know what im talking about, if not read some other posts by me.

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Originally posted by meanon

God,Can you fix it so I am not always 5 hours ahead of my American friends and hence permanently knackered?


HAHA Meanon....would that make you a 'Kacker-Shaker'???


[color=red].........wouldn't it be more than wonderful if God really DID have a forum? hint...hint...to heaven!.....[/color]



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"God, if homosexuality is an abomination, why are some people born to feel this way?"


I never said homosexuality was an abomination, people did. I don't make judgements about my work. I take pride in everything I make. Hey, I can't be around here all the time so I made genetics so replication of the species would work well. Sometimes things screw up a bit though. Some people come out homosexual, some people come out joined at the head with a sibling, some people die at birth. Even the "normal" people have to work hard to stay that way and that's the way I wanted it. There are always people who are worse off. So the genetics thing doesn't work out well sometimes and there are sociological elements involved alsol. Everybody who survives has to work things out for himself or herself in my absense. Homosexuals are simply people who are attracted to the same sex. To each his own. I can't understand why they're that way myself but, believe me, I have lots more important fish to fry.


"Can you make fred bigger for me? ur god and should know what im talking about, if not read some other posts by me."


There are too many big dicks in the world already. And, no, I can't make Freddie any bigger. It's a bit too late. No matter how big it was you wouldn't be happy with it. It's your nature. If I used my power to make it longer, you'd complain it went too far down your pant's leg. Once you learn how to be a happy person, you'll be happy with your Freddie and all your other body parts as well as your life.


"Hey God, am I gonna make it when I go out to LA?"


Yes, but you'll receive a lot of rejection as well. To get a good agency to represent you, you'll have to do some work first. To do some work, you have to have a good agency. It's a difficult circle to negotiate. When you get out there, make a lot of friends. Network a lot. Take some acting classes. Get some good pictures for a card you can leave with producers and casting agents. Do some (male) modeling for newspaper and magazines. Be seen. Be agressive. Buy every edition of Variety and call directors and producers of upcoming productions and ask them who their casting people are. Get in on the auditions. It's a jungle out there. I just had to make it that way. Too many people wanting to get into films and TV and I needed most of the people to be there to be in the audience. They are just as important.



"........wouldn't it be more than wonderful if God really DID have a forum? hint...hint...to heaven!....."


The whole world is My forum. I have too much work to do to answer a lot of questions all the time. But I have to come back once in a while because the last time I made a grand entrance, there was no Internet, no TV, no automobiles, no guns, not much medicine, not much of anything actually. But people seemed to be a lot happier. The more you give people the more they want. It's those desires that make people unhappy. So I guess people are condemned to be more unhappy as time goes on and more stuff is available. It's a big concern of mine because people are all the time answering their cell phones right in the middle of talking to me. George Washington never did that.

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Hi God! Sorry I haven't been praying as much as I should be lately...but can you please cure me of my remaining jealousy issues, so I no longer EVER feel threatened by my bf's ex-wife. I've done a fair bit of work myself...but maybe you could just hurry this last bit of healing along for me...??


Also, can you pls make chocolate fat free, but still taste the same?

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"Can you microwave a taco so hot that you cannot eat it?"


Of course. But if you don't burn it it cools down in a couple of minutes. If you burn it, you wouldn't really like it anway.


"can you please cure me of my remaining jealousy issues, so I no longer EVER feel threatened by my bf's ex-wife."


No, but you can cure yourself with your mind. You make the decision to be jealous because you are insecure with yourself. If you are insecure with yourself that means you don't have such a high regard for yourself. How do you expect others to regard you highly if you don't do that for yourself? You are not threatened at all by your boyfriend's ex wife, you are only threatened by your thoughts on the matter. Thoughts are things so handle them very carefully.


"can you pls make chocolate fat free, but still taste the same?"


I keep the fat free stuff for myself. I have a lot of travelling to do everyday and I can't do it if I'm obese. So sorry but some things are just better kept heavenly.

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Call me crazy, but the Big Guy seems to have some pretty damn good answers.


'sides, He said I'm gonna make it, good enough for me.

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