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Why would an ex flaunt a new love interest?

Nikki Sahagin

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Nikki Sahagin

I know speculation is pointless, but still i'd like to ask this question. It would help me just to know some different 'possibilities.'


My ex recently got in touch to tell me that he has met a new girl, and that though he is not with her, he likes her and trusts her and is ready for a relationship etc etc.


I couldn't decide whether he was openly and honestly trying to explain that he now has a new lady potentially on the horizon, whether it was a lie, or whether it was simply a shot to hurt me (reguardless of whether its true or not) as I previously said I didn't want to know about his love life. He also has constantly asked me about my life; to keep tabs? Jealousy? Boredom? To be a friend? I don't know. But he knows nothing about whats going on in my love life and i'm glad about that.


I just wanted to know if anyone else has any experience with an ex telling them about their new partner or potential partner?


Why do you think they do this?


To 'kindly' let us know?

To show they've moved on?

To gauge whether we've moved on?

To try to be friends and share their lives with us again?


I just couldn't understand why he would contact me to tell me this. Its just so weird.

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I had one ex tell me about his girlfriend. We stayed very close after the breakup and he told me because he was moving out of town with her. I already knew they were dating. I have no idea why your ex would tell you about a "potential" love interest. That's just weird and I can't figure what he would get out of you knowing that.

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I just wanted to know if anyone else has any experience with an ex telling them about their new partner or potential partner?


Why do you think they do this?


To be a dick. And to see if you get upset, because if you do, it feeds their ego. So yeah, just to be a dick.

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I have to agree. He's doing it just to be an azz.

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I couldn't decide ... or whether it was simply a shot to hurt me (reguardless of whether its true or not) as I previously said I didn't want to know about his love life.

That makes it also a power-play: "You said you didn't want to hear about it but you can't stop me from telling you about it. Ha-ha."

An immature, childish, silly little dick :sick:

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Because he's a narcissist. Don't you remember what I wrote to you a few days ago?


He's childish, immature, knows he still "has" you and can do whatever he wants. As long as you're still there as an ego supply, he can do whatever he wants without consequence.

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Nikki Sahagin

Hi Treassa. I checked the link you posted me. It was very interesting to say the least.


I don't know that my ex is a narcissist, as in I wouldn't diagnose him. He does have certain qualities that were listed however. Ironically, he used to always say that I needed attention and that i'd never leave him, yet i'm the one single and not even responding to male attention and he's the one flirting left, right and centre looking for his ego boosts.


The more he acts this way, the more I find him an allienating person.

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exs flaunt new relationships to spite the ex, no more no less. i think there is a question of respect here, personally, i would not do show off especially when i am the one at fault. showing off is pointless and stupid as a personal opinion.

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