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Why can't we just get along?

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I've been dating my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years now, and we've had our good and bad times, but lately he's been changing.First he started hanging out with "BAD" people and he started doing marijuana with them, while lying to me the whole time about it.He started to get addicted but when his Dad threatened to give him a drug test he "supposedly" stopped. Ever since then we've been fighting alot, mostly about little things and we usually just grit our teeth and move on. However, we never really 'forget.'. In fact, the hurt and anguish somehow stays, burried deep within. Now, when we do fight, he always leaves and never calls and definitely never tells me where he's been or what he's been doing, even after we've "made-up."


Now it's gotten to the point where I can't trust him at all, even with simple things,like,who he's talking to on the phone. There's no trust anymore. Now, we're in this fight and I said some pretty harsh words and he left and I haven't heard from him since. Every time I try to call he hangs up on me. How do I fix this, how can we get along, and how can I get him to be truthful with me?

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Both of you are in desparate need of learning good relationship skills, communication skills, proper and fair methods of having disputes. You also need your relationship diagnosed for problems and professional advice for fixing it...if that's what you really want.


There is no way possible you will get your answers on the Internet to such broad questions you posed in your last sentence.


See a qualified psychologist or relationship counsellor, with him preferably, but if he won't go then you go by yourself. Do this as soon as possible.


If you hadn't written the last sentence, I would have advised you to run as far from this guy as you can as soon as possible. But if you really want to "fix things," "get along" and "get him to be truthful" with you, it will take a lot more professional information than can be put down here. It will also take massive amounts of work on the part of both of you.

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