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what do i do now?

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i am one of those falling for their friend people and mustered up enough guts and i just went out and told her that i liked her. anyway she responded that she was very flattered that i would do that. but for know she said she was "playing the field". so whats this mean? do i just sit and wait it or does it mean she not interested?

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She was trying as nicely as possibly, in the way she could think of at that time, that she is not interested in being more than a friend with you.


Remember, if a lady is really interested in a romance with you, she will quickly grab the opportunity if she is made aware that there is mutuality.


Be this lady's friend, don't push her or discuss any longer unless you enjoy pain and rejection.


By the way, "playing the field" literally means she is looking for someone she can be romantically interested in.

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Like Randy said, "Playing the field" is her nice way of saying she doesn't want anything more than friendship with you. It infers, also, that she isn't interested in any type of serious relationship right now.


Sitting and waiting is about the worse thing to do right now. Women aren't attracted to men who sit at our feet. It's hard to see their strength and backbone from that position.


If you want to maintain the friendship it may be best to back off a little while now until your feelings subside and your reasoning takes over. If your desire for something more continues to grow, it may be time to end the relationship and take the risk of losing her. Absence often does make the heart grow fonder.


Hurray to you for having the guts to take the chance in the first place!

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billy the kid

Alfred, so you have taken the big step... so now just wait and see what happens.. Do you fish? if so you know once your bait is out you wait for a bite, she knows so wait.. if she doesn't bite move your bait once ( meaning ask her something) your no dummy you know what playing the field means. maybe she is just wanting you to try harder who knows, good luck.

i am one of those falling for their friend people and mustered up enough guts and i just went out and told her that i liked her. anyway she responded that she was very flattered that i would do that. but for know she said she was "playing the field". so whats this mean? do i just sit and wait it or does it mean she not interested?
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