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Hey there. I am currently interessted in this guy. But, he's very shy-I doubt he's ever gone out with a girl, yet alone been intimate with one. Now, I'm not looking to jump in the sack with him but I am starting to feel like it's always up to me to make the first move. I ask him to see a movie, I ask him to go to the bar, ect. I know he likes me because he has suttle ways of showing it. I just am getting tired of chasing-call me old fashion. Should I leave him alond and let him go after me or will I loose him if I do this? Thank you for your time.

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In the beginning, you could have called it shy perhaps. Now, I think it's more simply inexperience. Get a friend to give him the lowdown on the social graces and rules of dating. Or maybe you could do it yourself.


So much of this should come naturally. But it does get old and frustrating if all the moves have to come from your side. You can almost get the feeling that there would be no interaction whatsoever if you didn't make it happen.


I don't really see a lot of future in this but you must be having a good time once you get him out to stick around this long. This type of relationship can't last, however, with you doing all the work.


Maybe you should just come right out and tell him he better start making some moves or you will make some yourself, away from him.

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