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Don't know how to act w/this girl


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Hey, I have this problem. I hang out with a lot of kind of dirty girls and that's just how I relate to women. However for the first time I think I found somenone that I love too much to treat with anything less than the respect deserved by a princess. I know she's not completely innocent, but I feel like I can't advance our relationship at all, and yet even her friends kind of hint that it is about time. Even the little things she seems kind of out of, like she will grab my hand, but she won't hold on to it very long. Last night we went and watched fireworks and I had my arm around and I just figured this would be a great time for the first kiss, but she wasn't even leaning in towards or giving any indication of interest, so I lost the moment. I know this girl really likes me, and I like her, but I just don't know how to go about builing a relationship between us. I need some advice.

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I think this girl has gotten reports about your reputation for dealing with certain types of ladies (dirty girls). She's probably very interested in you, partly because she may get some satisfaction in having tamed you a bit. But she's probably afraid of going too fast, given your background. If you show her, over a period of time, that you're a new man and that you can treat her like the lady she is, I think you'll find her becomming more and more open with you.


It is also possible that she doesn't have a tremendous amount of experience with guys, no matter what her age. I know you said she is not completely innocent, but since you haven't been with her all the days of your life, all you know is what has been told to you. Lots of time you can't trust too much of what you hear from others. You may just need you to go gently with her and please do that.


Just like you have tamed your ways with her, maybe she is trying to tame her ways with you. Maybe this is the start of the real thing.


Hang in there, have patience, and don't go back to your old ways or you'll lose her. By the same token, don't be too nice to her either. Just be cool.


At some point, you may just have to pucker up and give her a gentle kiss on the lips to warm her up. Nothing more than a gentle kiss or you could screw things up.


Now if it goes too long, then you have to come right out and tell her that you really care for her and want to be able to express that. If she doesn't cave in at that time, go back to the dirty girls for a while.

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Just treat her nice for the next month or so, then hold her very romantically, look into her eyes, and lean forward and try to kiss her....

I think this girl has gotten reports about your reputation for dealing with certain types of ladies (dirty girls). She's probably very interested in you, partly because she may get some satisfaction in having tamed you a bit. But she's probably afraid of going too fast, given your background. If you show her, over a period of time, that you're a new man and that you can treat her like the lady she is, I think you'll find her becomming more and more open with you. It is also possible that she doesn't have a tremendous amount of experience with guys, no matter what her age. I know you said she is not completely innocent, but since you haven't been with her all the days of your life, all you know is what has been told to you. Lots of time you can't trust too much of what you hear from others. You may just need you to go gently with her and please do that. Just like you have tamed your ways with her, maybe she is trying to tame her ways with you. Maybe this is the start of the real thing. Hang in there, have patience, and don't go back to your old ways or you'll lose her. By the same token, don't be too nice to her either. Just be cool. At some point, you may just have to pucker up and give her a gentle kiss on the lips to warm her up. Nothing more than a gentle kiss or you could screw things up. Now if it goes too long, then you have to come right out and tell her that you really care for her and want to be able to express that. If she doesn't cave in at that time, go back to the dirty girls for a while.
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How beautiful to hear the feelings you have for her. Please be patient and make this one work.


I wonder if she has talked about her family relationships with you. One man I dated was an intimate friend but was very awkward showing physical affection. I thought he was dis-interested until he explained he had a rather rigid mother. I think he just never learned how to cuddle and enjoy the softness of touch. Maybe the girl is in the same type of situation. If so, the slow, non-pressure path you're taking is the right one.


It could be that she's just not one for showing affection in public. Maybe try a quiet, private place with her sometime. It's a good sign that she wants to share more when she is the one to initiate the hand-holding. Next time, don't let go of her hand. Pursue her affection gently. Make her feel like she is the only one you desire. If she knows about the other women in your life she may be trying to avoid becoming another notch on the belt to you (sorry if I've assumed too much about past relationships with the "dirty" women friends, but perhaps that's how she could perceive it too). Just give this relationship some time and perseverance.


Like the guys said. Remember to play it cool. Don't become a little lost puppy dog, whimpering for her love. Be strong, self-assured, honest, and patient and I think you'll win your princess's heart.


Let us know how it goes.

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billy the kid

first of stop calling yourself butterball, how bout studmuffin or studpuppy, heck even x-man is better than


b-ball. I mean where is your ego.... now don't say anything about the kid he was a Killer... and some say of ladies...

Hey, I have this problem. I hang out with a lot of kind of dirty girls and that's just how I relate to women. However for the first time I think I found somenone that I love too much to treat with anything less than the respect deserved by a princess. I know she's not completely innocent, but I feel like I can't advance our relationship at all, and yet even her friends kind of hint that it is about time. Even the little things she seems kind of out of, like she will grab my hand, but she won't hold on to it very long. Last night we went and watched fireworks and I had my arm around and I just figured this would be a great time for the first kiss, but she wasn't even leaning in towards or giving any indication of interest, so I lost the moment. I know this girl really likes me, and I like her, but I just don't know how to go about builing a relationship between us. I need some advice.
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