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24 year old virgin


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I think that you are 24 and a vigin is awesome....don't worry about what other's are doing...and certainly....CERTAINLY don't give it up to any guy....espeically a guy that might "hit it and quit it". I am a guy, and there are guys out there that will make fun of me b/c I don't "hook up". Never have, never will....but with that being said....I wish I was still a virgin...I wish I could share that one special thing with my lady, and have her give her gift to me. I am madly in love, and gettin married, but the fact that she is not a virgin, and the fact that neither am I bothers me. You are doing what you are supposed to do. Make sure, if you do decide to have sex, it is with someone special, and that it is meaningful. I can honestly say that all my experiences "meant something" but even on that side of the coin...I wish I would have waited. I would take them back if I could to share it with my lady for the first time.


Don't worry about inexperience. Sex is not hard to figure out. Figure it out with someone you love.

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I have thoughts... surprisingly none related to your virginity.



But you have to figure out that you simply cannot BE both



a tall, buxom blond with full hips and full lips and all of the trendy cosmetics in place






a petite brunette who goes au naturel make-up-wise



NOR can you be both


a sexually-experienced woman who sifts through the many, many names on her dance card in search of tonight's booty call





a comfortable-in-her-own-skin young lady with perhaps one or two past sexual partners




The anorexia and the insecurity with regard to your lack of sexual experience seem to come from similar places, and in every way this is about you finding ways to remind/see yourself (that you are) just ONE individual against the vast backdrop of humanity.


Define the individuality that is already there and start playing those cards for a change.


In sexual terms, you cannot be both a woman with heaving breasts destined to reach her knees by age 50 AND a woman with perky, compact breasts that will point toward heaven until you're at least 45.



Now lets switch to a make-up reference:



Far too many women see make-up as the means with which they can ERASE whatever is there to begin with (and especially that which they dislike) before painting-on the face that they randomly wish they had.


What you're supposed to do, is take your own unique features and accent THEM with your make-up.



This is all in no way related to your virginity. You'll figure that out at such time as when you select a sex partner and boldy, firmly INFORM HIM up front that you've never had vaginal intercourse before. That won't matter at all to the right guy, and he will guide you compassionately the whole way.



Figure out who the individual YOU is... and start appreciating her traits far, far more than you ever have before.



The rest will fall into place!

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