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Living with chronic pain!

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for me, i don't use medicine as a means of covering the pain. as an alcoholic - i'm sure i would like it too much. for me, it is just trading one form of hiding the pain for another. anything mind/mood/pain altering is out of the question, for me.


what about acupuncture? it works! i never believed it - but it definitely works.

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Mea I hope things get better- Carhill and 2sunny made some great points.


I remember getting chronic headaches, TMJ pain and bad migraines when I was in my last destructive R.

Bye bye BF, bye bye health probs!


I'm not sure how I missed your post but thank you very much SB.:love: I know one thing that will make me feel better, when you tell us all that your new bundle has arrived.;) All the best to you.





for me - it is a "true" way for me to find my own way of being happy, healthy and free!


try it, what do you have to loose? you will find many, many ideas in a meeting - ways to be happy sober - and ways that look unhappy as sober. take the good ideas and apply them to your life the way you see fit.


when you are ready - and IF you want to - get a sponsor, work the steps and see how it looks for you.


it's very freeing!


I have not tried it, but at this point it could not hurt. I practice meditation on my own. I also take yoga class and power walk. The meditation is relaxing, but right now the yoga makes it worse.:confused: Power walking, ice and heat seem to help the most. Oh and hot baths and lot's of tea.:D





for me, i don't use medicine as a means of covering the pain. as an alcoholic - i'm sure i would like it too much. for me, it is just trading one form of hiding the pain for another. anything mind/mood/pain altering is out of the question, for me.


what about acupuncture? it works! i never believed it - but it definitely works.


I agree with you about meds, they are just band aids IMO. I plan to be off the xanax soon now that my panic attacks are under control. Acupuncture is next on my list to try.


Mea, have you been to a neurologist, ever?


Yes. My brain looks good.:lmao: I think I've seen just about every doctor in the field of medicine.:o They all tell me I look great.:laugh:



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Acupuncture is awesome for chronic pain, I have it for work related neck and shoulder pain often. And it doesn't hurt at all. :)

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Thanks- I am excited too (but a little over being pregnant, its pretty uncomfortable and frustrating at this late stage, as you know! :) )


This is quite a good website- note that its talking about CT "screening" not being recommended- that is CTs in healthy people who just want to know if there are any early cancers etc. It has radiation doses too- CTs are the highest form of radiation medical imaging.


It depends on how MUCH peace of mind this is going to give you. If you think it will give you enough to be able to move forward, then I think its worth it.

If it won't, then I would think twice about having the extra CT.


I know what you mean about doctors though- my mum had a lump on her tongue a while back (it was nothing) and as soon as the surgeon found out she had good insurance, he recommended an MRI, which I think (in my professional opinion) was overkill....


He then recommended exploratory surgery when the MRI came back showing nothing- she declined in the end and the little lump has gone away now.

hard to know whether they are recommending tests truly for your benefit or theirs IYKWIM.


I don't feel like I have been very reassuring? :(


Some how I missed this.:o Well after reading that article I'm not having that test. It looks like I may be doomed already with all the CT's I have had.:eek: Thank you so much for this info, It was very helpful.


And yes I do remember those last weeks of pregnancy exciting but not so comfy. My babies always loved to sit right on my baldder. Now imagine that?:laugh:




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WOW.. sorry to hear this Mea...


I'm shocked to hear that so many people suffer chronic pain.. it must be awful. :(


My best friend has chronic pain... had for years.. but she saw a new 'doctor' lately and told me that it has gone away.. (some pain).. I will ask her who she went to... apparently it helped her a lot.


I'll let you know. :)

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I am very down right now.:( I am so tired of this burning upperback pain and sternum pain that I get pretty much on a daily basis. As many of you know(since I've posted about it) I've had just about every test in the book to rule out a major health issue. My heart, and lungs I've been told look it be in fine shape. So, here I am young, in good shape, with three beautiful small children to chase after and I feel like c***! My therapist does not believe this pain is all due to emotions. It's real pain.. but there is no answer for it.:mad::confused: I'm sick of going to health boards as they don't help, they only make things worse. I am pleased that I have been able to work through my panic. Have not had an attack in over 3 months. So this pain is NOT panic related. I'm now beign sent to PT, but I don't have high hopes that this will work. A chriopractor makes it worse, and for that matter so does massage. This is an awful way to live and it's really getting me down. Can anyone relate? Is there anyone on here that has chronic pain with no cause found? If so how are you coping with it?? Many thanks.



Try this book:

Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness



and CD

Mindfulness for Beginners [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)

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Sorry to hear about the physical pain and the anxiety. My physical pain comes mainly from a nasty case of reflux disease. And I have had a few GI Docs give me the hypochondriac look. I plan to have this epitaph on my tombstone:


Even hypochondriacs are eventually right


In addition to the pain I also have some anxiety.


Taking a nice 2-3 mile walk with the dogs is very soothing to me and helps pain and anxiety.





Hi SB.:love: Yes it would give me piece of mind to know 100% right now that this pain is NOT from my heart. Becuase if it is my muscles than that won't kill me.:lmao: Since this pain is daily and with me thinking " Ok.. now what if it's my heart?" I'm making myself very anxious. So yes, It would offer much piece of mind and I bet I would be able to deal with the pain in a more rational way.:o But, I'd like a little more direction in whichway to go here do to the radiation exposure and I don't know which doc to speak with who will give me an honest answer? Did that make sense?


BTW.. good luck with that new little one on the way. I'm so excited for you.:bunny:



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WOW.. sorry to hear this Mea...


I'm shocked to hear that so many people suffer chronic pain.. it must be awful. :(


My best friend has chronic pain... had for years.. but she saw a new 'doctor' lately and told me that it has gone away.. (some pain).. I will ask her who she went to... apparently it helped her a lot.


I'll let you know. :)


Thank you very much Lizzie.:love:


Try this book:

Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness



and CD

Mindfulness for Beginners [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)


This sounds like it would be great from me to look into. I appreciate the info.:)




Sorry to hear about the physical pain and the anxiety. My physical pain comes mainly from a nasty case of reflux disease. And I have had a few GI Docs give me the hypochondriac look. I plan to have this epitaph on my tombstone:


Even hypochondriacs are eventually right


In addition to the pain I also have some anxiety.


Taking a nice 2-3 mile walk with the dogs is very soothing to me and helps pain and anxiety.



LOL. I must laugh at the part your wrote about hypochondriacs... that is funny.:laugh: But, funny to a certain extent. I think that docs now a days are far to quick to label a female patient that way. Not every darn aliment can be in a persons head. I guess at this point in time I have to learn what's real worrisome pain, and what's pain the I should not have to worry about I'll get there.I know one thing, even after feeling this way I have a pretty upbeat attitude, so I believe that's in my favor. Thanks.:)



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Update! I have made the choice to take a new approach to this. I am NOT going to worry about it any longer. I tried that yesterday and I felt better. Pain not gone, but very slight. So, I can see the emotional component to consider here and the connection between the mind and body and how it can make chronic pain worse.:eek:


Now a good example of what the mind can do:


Last evening, I ran out to run an errand. My left hand was tingling and felt odd. This right away triggered.. the "Oh, NO what if I'm having a stroke". I let my thinking get the best of me here. While my left hand felt odd for the night.. the attack stopped and I calmed down after 10 minutes. That's positive for me.:) So, My mind was taking over again. And while this was occuring funny how the pain in my back and sternum had all but gone away.:lmao: I used some CBT here and it worked. I know that feeling was probably from the nerve damage I have in my elbow.



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Mea, I didn't know that you were in so much pain. Hugs. (Edit: I see that I did quote you later).


As you may know, I've been suffering from arthritis for quite some time...I've lost track of how long in fact. It is due to one of the many autoimmune diseases, it's which one that is the question. Lupus was the first...diagnosis?


None of the tests came back with anything conclusive and I'm currently being kept pain free by a lot of medication, the combination coming about through a lot of trial and error.


And you either, CE. You are young to be having chronic pain. My wife has fibromyalgia...which IMO is what they term pain when they no longer have anything else to call it. She was tested for arthiritis and lupus and even diagnosed with both.


I do understand what you mean.


She uses Ultram for her pain...not sure if they have that Down Under. Of all of the meds she has used, this has done the best.


I am very down right now.:( I am so tired of this burning upperback pain and sternum pain that I get pretty much on a daily basis.


Can anyone relate? Is there anyone on here that has chronic pain with no cause found? If so how are you coping with it?? Many thanks.




Here is the quote. Thought I lost it.


Yes, I can relate. My wife has had pain in her legs for about ten years. And the pain can go in her back. And she has headaches periodically. She has been tested for everything and the diagnosis came back as fibromyalgia. For her it seems to be food related, too. At this point I give up figuring out what causes it. Sometimes she has it, sometimes she doesn't. I know she doesn't always tell me, because as CE says, she knows it does gets me down to hear it all of the time, knowing I have no solution to fix her.


Yours (as carhill said) may very well be related to your divorce and relationship problems. This does not minimize the pain but stress can really give us aches and pains that are totally real and difficult to deal with. If this all started after the divorce, then one can possible make the connection since no other cause has been found.


I am in the same boat as you guys. It is so disheartening, I know, and it's effect on the quality of one's life is devastating.


You too? :( Marlena, a hug for you, too. And I do understand.


Yes, yes this sounds like me! The mind can really do that?:confused: I mean to some degree I believe it, but pain that does not go away and has no cause????:confused::confused::confused:


Yes, the body can really give you pain that is psychosomatic. This does not mean it is not real nor painful. It simply means that it is your body's way of saying, "Hey, you are having it tough, and I (your body) am suffering, too." Many times we try to deny how much pain we feel emotionally and mentally, so our body "tells" us through physical pain.


Hugs to you. You know that I mean it. :love:

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James my Love:love: Of course I know you mean it.;) Thanks for your kind words and support as always. I'm sorry your wife had to suffer, but it's good she knows what she is dealing with and how to control it. And yes, the mind can play a big part in all this.



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Update! I have made the choice to take a new approach to this. I am NOT going to worry about it any longer. I tried that yesterday and I felt better. Pain not gone, but very slight. So, I can see the emotional component to consider here and the connection between the mind and body and how it can make chronic pain worse.:eek:


Now a good example of what the mind can do:


Last evening, I ran out to run an errand. My left hand was tingling and felt odd. This right away triggered.. the "Oh, NO what if I'm having a stroke". I let my thinking get the best of me here. While my left hand felt odd for the night.. the attack stopped and I calmed down after 10 minutes. That's positive for me.:) So, My mind was taking over again. And while this was occuring funny how the pain in my back and sternum had all but gone away.:lmao: I used some CBT here and it worked. I know that feeling was probably from the nerve damage I have in my elbow.




The book I recommended, Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, is encourages that type of thinking. Acknowledge the pain but not focus on it. congrats.

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sorry you are still having pain.


I to have chronic pain and over the years have learned my triggers so I can avoid them, what works for me. and what to do when it finally knocks me on my butt.


Exercise, eating healthy, no msg, aritifical sugar etc... helps me a lot. Also acupuncture helps.


But most importantly I had to learn to treat myself gently. Sometiems this means I have to stop. and order my daughter a pizza and have movie pj night. Also a big thing for my was letting og out the guilt. That has helped me cope a lot better.


as a side note I have my stress test today and everything came out ok. Thanks for your advice.

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I had brain surgery in Jan. for a conditon that causes chronic pain and nerve damage. I am 27 and decided to have it while I was young before too much permanant damage could be done.


I am so glad I did! I went through the same issues as you, even with a diagnosis, of doctors not knowing what all my symptoms were from. My condition is rare and most doctors don't know what I have, have never heard of, so couldn't put two and two together. I found a forum for people who have what I have and they were a lot of help.


One thing I learned, from them and expereince, always get a copy of yor medical reports and tests. When I was diagnoses in 2004 I was told I had nothing to worry about, that my conditon wouldn't cause symptoms, and I brushed it off. Then a year ago after having lots of symptoms and being told I should go on anti-depressants, because everything I was feeling was "all in my head." I finally just requested, told, my doctors what I wanted. When I saw my first neurosurgeon the guy told me I had bigger problems to worry about then the condition I came to see him about.


He told me I have a cyst on my brain that if it got bigger would kill me. This same cyst had been there since my MRI in 2004 when I was told about my other condition. The doctor never told me about it. Now I have to get MRI's doen every six months to monitor my cyst.


My last doctor could call and tell me about X condition and not to worry about it, but he couldn't call about Y condition and tell me it does need to be a concern...


I also get panic attacks, which is sounds like you do too...The thing that helps me is knowing that it's JUST a panic attack, I am not minimizing them by saying this. But when you think its a stroke, cancer, heart attack, well then a panic attack doesn't seem so bad and once I realize that I can generally get over one very quickly.


On the flip side what I have learned from my other fourms is that even with a diagnosis don't say: "Well, I know I am feeling this way because of X." Because it could be due to something else...


I wish I could help, and offer more advice, or at least a more positive outlook! Hang in there!!

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My wife has fibromyalgia...which IMO is what they term pain when they no longer have anything else to call it. She was tested for arthiritis and lupus and even diagnosed with both.
A lot of people who have what I have get diagnosied with this or MS...I think your wife could have more testing done...just to be sure.
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The book I recommended, Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, is encourages that type of thinking. Acknowledge the pain but not focus on it. congrats.


Thank you Gray.:)


sorry you are still having pain.


I to have chronic pain and over the years have learned my triggers so I can avoid them, what works for me. and what to do when it finally knocks me on my butt.


Exercise, eating healthy, no msg, aritifical sugar etc... helps me a lot. Also acupuncture helps.


But most importantly I had to learn to treat myself gently. Sometiems this means I have to stop. and order my daughter a pizza and have movie pj night. Also a big thing for my was letting og out the guilt. That has helped me cope a lot better.


as a side note I have my stress test today and everything came out ok. Thanks for your advice.


HG:love: I'm so glad your stress test came back good, and that you went ahead with it. I bet you feel so much better having peace of mind. Thanks for your kind words.



I had brain surgery in Jan. for a conditon that causes chronic pain and nerve damage. I am 27 and decided to have it while I was young before too much permanant damage could be done.


I am so glad I did! I went through the same issues as you, even with a diagnosis, of doctors not knowing what all my symptoms were from. My condition is rare and most doctors don't know what I have, have never heard of, so couldn't put two and two together. I found a forum for people who have what I have and they were a lot of help.


Wow Red, I'm so glad your ok. I have had 2 MRI's and one MRA, and they were very normal, infact they found nothing at all up there.:lmao:




I also get panic attacks, which is sounds like you do too...The thing that helps me is knowing that it's JUST a panic attack, I am not minimizing them by saying this. But when you think its a stroke, cancer, heart attack, well then a panic attack doesn't seem so bad and once I realize that I can generally get over one very quickly



Yes. this is what I am learning.



I wish I could help, and offer more advice, or at least a more positive outlook! Hang in there!!



Thank you. I noticed that since I was not on the puter much today my back felt much better. I am really buying into the fact that this could be a mixture of a posture issue and my anxeity.. would make perfect sense.



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I have pain from using the PC, too bad I have to use one like 10 hours a day... :(.


I have always wanted to try Yoga, I think it might be that my muscles and tendons are just too tight (I have lost some range of motion). I am too young to have this many problems from the PC...sounds like you are too!

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I have pain from using the PC, too bad I have to use one like 10 hours a day... :(.


I have always wanted to try Yoga, I think it might be that my muscles and tendons are just too tight (I have lost some range of motion). I am too young to have this many problems from the PC...sounds like you are too!


I know what you mean.:( Since I do web design part time, I'm on the puter a ton. I think this is making my pain issues worse. So, I need to focus more on my posture and taking breaks so I don't put the extra strain on my back.


I enjoy yoga. It's very relaxing, however I have not seen a big benefit as far as my upper back goes. The rest of me feels great from it. You could always give it a try.



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Mea what kind of seat are you sitting in when you are working?


I had terrible back/ neck strain and headaches when I sat in a normal chair at work because my posture was bad and it was hard to remember to sit up straight.


Then I got one of these and it made a HUGE difference to my posture and tension/ headaches. It was also great for posture being pregnant, and I have had very little lower back strain AND it put me in a good position for the baby to get in the right position.

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Mea what kind of seat are you sitting in when you are working?


I had terrible back/ neck strain and headaches when I sat in a normal chair at work because my posture was bad and it was hard to remember to sit up straight.


Then I got one of these and it made a HUGE difference to my posture and tension/ headaches. It was also great for posture being pregnant, and I have had very little lower back strain AND it put me in a good position for the baby to get in the right position.


Well, You would probably laugh if I showed you.:laugh: It's a big comfy lounging chair.:o Not the type of chair that's meant to sit in front of a computer at all day.My favorite postion for years was shoulder forward and slouched over. Now, I do have a normal deak and chair, but I favor the other chair for some reason. So, I know for sure that my posture has something to do with this. I notice to how the burning and tingling pain will radiate to the three tops bones right close up to the base of my head. I assume my pecs, and rhomoids are to relaxed and week from taking on this so called form.And I guess when the upper back is weak the pain and strained, it can radiate into the chest wall area. At least that's what a massage therapist told me. And you know it does make sense. Thanks so much for the link.



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your pain sound kind of like some of mine.I would see a spine specialist.Someone that deals with your spine.My doctor told me it was strain for years intill it got so bad I ended in the emergency room.I was sent to someone finally that deals with the spine.Tell your doctor you want to be refered to one.It will a least rule it out if not.They are doing what they think they need to by symptoms.You know your body ask him it could not hurt.

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your pain sound kind of like some of mine.I would see a spine specialist.Someone that deals with your spine.My doctor told me it was strain for years intill it got so bad I ended in the emergency room.I was sent to someone finally that deals with the spine.Tell your doctor you want to be refered to one.It will a least rule it out if not.They are doing what they think they need to by symptoms.You know your body ask him it could not hurt.


Well, I have started PT. And the therapist told me I have a slight curve in my spine.. that may add to what I'm feeling. But, I don't know. This pain stumps me?:confused: Yoga makes it worse, massage makes it worse, so something tells me there is more going on.. but I can't get anyone to listen. I've called back my cardio doc and I'm going to ask for his OP. As I'm not 100 % convinced that this is not cardio related. So, I guess I'm still going round in circles here.:mad::mad:



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