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'gifts' exchanged in relationships

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I'm currently trying to collect qualitative reseach into the objects/artfacts or gifts that are exchanged during relationships for a University project particularly focusing on younger relationships, please carefully consider the following questions and be as personal or distant as you want, and post or email me your answers to [email protected], Thankyou :)


Your Age?


Are you Male or Female?


Are you currently Single, Married or in a relationship?


What age was your first relationship?


What is important in a Relationship?


What's the best gift you've received in a relationship?


What's the best gift you have given in a relationship?


During your first relationship, What were some gifts exchanged?


If you could change your relationship for the better what would it be?

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I am 39.

I am female.

I am in a relationship.

My first relationship was when i was 16.

Trust, intimacy, commitment, boundaries, being humble, admitting when one is wrong, empathy, patience and knowing when to put the relationship above personal gain and when not to, is important to me.

Best gift was thoughtfulness and spending quality time with me. The best wrapped gift had those two things in mind.

Best gift I have given is all of the above. The best wrapped gift was a digital picture frame with our most special moments captured in a slide show while it played our most meaningful songs.

In my first relationship monetary gifts were exchanged.

If I could change my relationship for the better, it would be the ability to be more intimate created by a deep trust and more honesty. The abilty for my partner to know himself better creating coping skills that bring more desired results.

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Your Age? 30


Are you Male or Female? Female


Are you currently Single, Married or in a relationship?

In a relationship


What age was your first relationship? 16


What is important in a Relationship? Love, compatibility, shared goals and dreams, shared hobbies and interests.


What's the best gift you've received in a relationship?

Nice jewellery - it lasts forever and so do the memories attached to it. I felt like my bf really cared about choosing something I'd appreciate, and he knew me well enough to know my taste and choose something I'd like.


What's the best gift you have given in a relationship?

When I was 18 and I got my first student loan, my bf pressured me into spending the money on buying him a £100 gold bracelet. I was young and naive, and it wasn't exactly a gift given freely, so I dunno if that counts.

Apart from that, I'd say that the best gift I ever gave was a handmade ring that I commissioned a jeweller to make for my ex's Christmas gift one year, because it was very personal and unique.


During your first relationship, What were some gifts exchanged?

Photographs, clothing, string bracelets, books. Usually possessions we already had or stuff that didn't cost very much, because we were just kids and we didn't have much money.


If you could change your relationship for the better what would it be?

I would change my bf's past, because it causes a number of issues for us in the present. Our relationship is fine, but we do struggle with some external issues created by his past.

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Your Age? 50


Are you Male or Female? M


Are you currently Single, Married or in a relationship? Single


What age was your first relationship? 17


What is important in a Relationship? Sex, similar mind-sets


What's the best gift you've received in a relationship? A$$-kicking car stereo (yes, really!)


What's the best gift you have given in a relationship? Diamond earrings


During your first relationship, What were some gifts exchanged? Since we were in high school, they were pretty inexpensive. Lots of music (records - remember them?).


If you could change your relationship for the better what would it be? n/a

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Your Age?



Are you Male or Female?



Are you currently Single, Married or in a relationship?

In a relationship


What age was your first relationship?



What is important in a Relationship?

Respect. Sex.


What's the best gift you've received in a relationship?

A CD of a song my bf wrote the music and lyrics for, and played the instruments and sang and recorded. And tickets to the ballet - gotta add that one, since I love going, and it was so sweet that he got them for me, as a just because gift.


What's the best gift you have given in a relationship?

Tickets to his favorite sports team



During your first relationship, What were some gifts exchanged?

I don't think we really dated long enough to get to that point. I remember getting a cd from him though.


If you could change your relationship for the better what would it be?

So far nothing. It's really good.

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Your Age? 30


Are you Male or Female? female


Are you currently Single, Married or in a relationship? married


What age was your first relationship? 17, my first 'real' bf that i loved was at age 22


What is important in a Relationship? tust, communication, respect, love, wanting to be a better person because of who you are with


What's the best gift you've received in a relationship? my husband's gifts are always the best!


What's the best gift you have given in a relationship? i think the gifts i made, a cheese cake, artwork.....


During your first relationship, What were some gifts exchanged? i gave him cologne, he gave me a diamond saphire ring (his father owned a pawn shop)


If you could change your relationship for the better what would it be? he would talk to me more about things that bother him, when they bother him- i usually only hear about it after he has stewed for a few days- and this could be anything: work, us, me, him, family.....


you didn't ask about the worst gift.... for me the worst gift i ever recieved from my bf was a 30 pack of beer- WTHeck!

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Your Age? 30


Are you Male or Female? Female

Are you currently Single, Married or in a relationship? in a relationship

What age was your first relationship? 19

What is important in a Relationship? Trust, similar interests, sexual compatibility/equal desire/libido, similar goals, the desire to make it work and to compromise when neccessary, wanting to be a better person for your partner/wanting to make them happy

What's the best gift you've received in a relationship? Current b/f loaned me the money to pay off my credit cards. I paid him back but the loan took so much pressure off of me, it was wonderful. As far as a material gift, current b/f bought me Rock Band for the PS3- I love it! Also, first b/f bought me a ring for my birthday after we'd been together for a month or two- I wore it until he broke up with me 3 years later. Bittersweet gift, that one. Edit: The most sentimental gift I received was from the 2nd b/f- he put pennies in a machine that presses them into souvenirs and got one for me every time we visited the coast or any place with that kind of machine. I have about 6 of them and they're the only thing I kept from that relationship. I couldn't bear to give them up because they reminded me of our happy times together.

What's the best gift you have given in a relationship? I quit my job and moved to be with the current b/f. So I guess I gave him a committment. I also keep house, cook, clean, and comfort. As far as material stuff I buy a bunch of fun things for Christmas, fill the stockings, and surprise him with a smorgasboard of amusements/pleasing things. No socks and ties!

During your first relationship, What were some gifts exchanged?

First b/f gave me a ring. I gave him one back.

If you could change your relationship for the better what would it be?

I wish my current b/f had a higher libido. I also wish he would chip in more in taking care of the house and the pets. But I can't change him so I guess I would either change myself so that his deficiencies wouldn't bother me so much or I would leave him and find someone who makes me happier.

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