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*Moving On*


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I really enjoy this website, but I do not see enough material on those who have actually moved on with these past relationships and their life. I personally think this is extremely important.


I have been broken up for a little over a month and it is still very hard. However, I must say that surfing the web and finding stories about those who have successfully moved on and are in a better place give me so much more hope. That I feel like/ know I will reach that point and it gives me some strength and advice that I need.


So I ask, does anyone have stories of moving on and getting over your ex? Or should LS create something related to this? We can ask for all the advice we want and post our stories, but ultimately time and being able to move beyond these relationships is the most powerful thing we can accomplish. It inspires hope and I believe would be very important and beneficial to hear from fellow members.

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LS should start a new forum on "moving on" success stories. I would like to read more myself...especially moving on from someone who was a great partner for 5 years, where it was you who f**ked up the relationship.

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from my experience of a past moment of grief, when i finally was able to move on and i met my future (now ex) GF, LS was the last place i would visit... it was associated to sad memories, whether all that i wished was to have some good time.


Anyway, even if you seldom find people who have currently moved on, you can still find people who managed to do it in the past... even though they are now stuck again :confused:

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