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Your roommate is (sl)easy, but I want you, so what am I doing wrong?


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I'm a good girl. I have been a serial monogamist since my sophomore year of high school. And out of all these long-termers (like 2 years usually) I only slept with two of my boyfriends. Recently I decided, hey, I'm 24, I deserve to have a little fun. I tried to convince myself I can be one of those girls that "gets hers", no attachments, etc.


About 2 months ago I met 2 guys in a class. (Guy A and Guy B.) I've hung out with them a lot, in and out of class. I really dug Guy A, but all of my best flirting efforts got me nowhere. So, I focused my attention to Guy B and was successful. I slept with Guy B after about a month and a half and discovered that I CANNOT be that type of girl, it's just not what I want and it's not fun. I applaud the women that can do it, but I'm only interested in the "real thing" so to speak.


Here's the kicker: Now I've totally fallen for Guy A, the one with which I was originally flirting. We study together and talk about random crazy crap together and get along so well. He even WANTED to go through my photo album when he saw it in my trunk. He always walks me to my car, always makes sure I'm having a good time at parties, flirts with me, carries anything remotely heavy for me, just goes out of his way, etc. BUT he always talks about how he's not looking for a relationship right now...how he's not in a good place right now and can't commit.


All of my friends, our classmates and even one of their other roommates have said, "You guys are adorable together. You should be dating. You two are perfect. You can tell you care about each other...etcetera....." BUT Guy A is always alluding to the fact that he doesn't want a relationship with me. What am I doing wrong? I like him so much. He gives me all the signs that he's interested except for when he starts speaking all figuratively about how he's NOT interested in anyone. It feels like we've been on the edge of a cliff for weeks now and I keep trying to push him over the edge and he keeps crawling back up. WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING WRONG?!!!!!

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Why on earth would you ask what you are doing wrong? The trouble is in his head. He has decided that he does not want a relationship. He is sticking to his plan. Unless you somehow think that you have the power to change minds, there is no way you can be blamed for what goes on in his brain.


He has made his decison and he has his reasons. Your best bet is to drop him and move on.

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You're doing nothing wrong, it's his decision not to go about a relationship. I guess from the looks of it all you guys can become best buddies or platonic friends.


haha there was a time where my friend asked if i wanted to see her photo album.

whenever we walk around school, almost every1 mistakes us for being a couple.

and currently, i dont think she's looking for anyone right now, cause i asked if there's anyone she likes in school she said no. im the only guy in school she actually talks to.

so yep we're probably already in the friends category

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Guy A is always alluding to the fact that he doesn't want a relationship with me. What am I doing wrong?


Talk to him. Stop the alluding stuff and tell him you are interested in a dating relationship. Set some boundries. If he is not interested then stay friends or cut the cord and move on.

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