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OK I TOLD YOU GUYS BOUT THE GIRL I WORK WITH and how bad i like her. today was the third day we were working. We were joking around so much that i completely forgot bout work. We had a sword fight with the mini swords that you put in your drinks to stir with. At the end of the nite i asked her , if she knew where a certin mall was, she said yes. I told her that me and couple of my freinds are gonna go there for dinner want to join. she said that she has no clue what she is doing satruday night. the way she said it sounded like i should give her a call. so we were off work and she was waiting for her ride. I brought up the subject bout saturday nite again. and she said she will have to check. but the prob is that i did not get her number. I have only worked with this girl for 3 days and is it too early. i really like this girl and want her what should i do?

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It sounds like after only 3 days, you two are off to, at least a great friendship if nothing more intimate than that.


My advice to you is that 3 days is WAYYYYYY too soon to be jumping the gun and trying to win her affections.


PLEASEEEEEEEE, I know it is difficult, but be patient. All will unfold as it should ....... whether you turn out to be good friends or have a more intimate relationship.


BE PATIENT!!! Dang, man, at least give it a couple of weeks! ::BIG SMILE::



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