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*Rolls Eyes* Feeling kinda down today - Ex's Birthday...

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Her birthday today. I've been feeling great about myself the last 3/4 months not even really thinking about her that much (still, a couple of times a day).

Anyways today is her birthday, i'm not sure if i should remember it? lol But i have and its kind of put a damper on my day.


It's just got my mind thinking again, about us. How she could abandon me like that and run off with another bloke. I treated her so damn good, i thought i was doing everything right. I must have meant nothing to her much, i accept that and have moved on greatly in the past months.


She broke up with me in december, a couple of days before my birthday. She was my first crush, and i say crush because im pretty sure i didnt love her. But saying that i fell for her HARD! I thought the world of her, would have done anything for her - i think i lost respect because of this...


I've dated a couple, was with someone for a couple of weeks but i dont want to count that as a relationship... so she is still my first. I would have loved to have lost everything with... if you get what i mean;) But it wasnt to be.


Ha, i feel so much better now after typing this. On to the next girl! :)



P.s. Forgot to mention that ive been 7months no contact (her 4) and i did not break contact today - and rightly so.

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hrtbrk hotel tenant

my ex bday is comin up recently found out guy was over her house so dont wanna contact her or send her a gift at all. i would love to but it would be right so imma try to be strong.

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My exs bday is coming up in 2 weeks. He dumped me the day after I got his gift... spent $250 on a gift for him that I cannot return bc I had something customized for him. I don't know how I'm gonna be when the gift comes in the mail and on his actual bday. I still cannot believe I did that for him.

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My ex-fiance's birthday is today.


I know what you mean, how it feels like a setback. I don't think it really is, though. It's just a day where you know you'd like to reach out, to say something as simple as Happy Birthday and let them know you are thinking of them, but you can't, and you shouldn't.


I keep thinking about last year on his birthday, and how I tried so hard to make it special for him, and he really appreciated it and said he was impressed with my efforts. I've been thinking about that night all day today, how happy I was to treat him to a special day all about him. It's not our fault that we aren't doing that this year, just try and remember that...

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