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9 years of dating and not married

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I have been dating my boyfriend since I was 19 and he was 21. I have a masters degree and he doesn't. He often tells me that he is playing with me when he says that I need to find someone better, but I think he is serious and it hurts. I love him so much and I try my best to be a good woman to him. I bring him lunch once a week, I get his clothes ready, I write him poetry, etc... We were engaged when we were younger, but we broke it off because we couldn't afford a wedding. My parents are not fond of him, but his parents love me. I still want to marry him. He is always there for me when I need him emotionally and physically. He tells me that he wants us to buy a house. He does not want to rent. He often says that he wants to have children, but he wants to raise them right. That is a good sign, but I am wondering when this will happen. In about two years I will be 30. He is the best man I ever had in my life. I just feel so sad when he tells me that I should find someone better, because to me he is the greatest.

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'Patience' doesn't cover it, does it?


Sounds as if he has the perfect 2nd mother-with-benefits in you.....


Hate to say it,m but the clock is ticking, and much as it's great having kids, the later you leave it....

I'm sorry...he's prevaricating way too much.


He often says that he wants to have children, but he wants to raise them right.


What about you, could he feel would not be raising them right?


This is a signal to you. Also known as a red flag....

hate to say it, but you're not a girlfreind, you're a habit.

You need to get on with your life....

Because he who deliberates fully before taking each step will spend his entire life on one leg....


I'd walk away from Mr Hoppity there....

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