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Fast love, does it last? What do you think?


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What do you think of people who meet in day 1, date on day 4, another date on day 7, day 9 and move in together on day 13 and say there is love?


Do you believe in such a fast love?


Ok folks let's see what all of you think.

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A theory which is mine:


There is lust at first whiff of pheremones. Good ol' brain chemicals get going and make you believe you're 'in love'. If you're lucky, you have 'fallen in love' with someone who will be a great partner for you in the long run. In which case, 'love at first sight' worked. In a heckuva lot of instances, the chemicals wear off and the truth of how incompatible you truly are with that person becomes evident. That's when 'love' dies and people break up.


If you want to follow through on 'love at first sight', go ahead but know you're taking a gamble which may pay off in a treasure or in a lot of pain.

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I never believed in love at first sight. YEah it's true that sometimes you think a guy/girl is cute and would love to be with, but after some few talks you find out it just is not gonna work.


I met this girl from Europ and she was probably the most beautiful girl I have seen alive (Honestly). All the guys I know were trying to hook up with her :). We ended up being closer friends... we talked a lot, she told me about her past and so I did. But, it aint gonna work further than that. We are still close friends till now.


Did I feel attracted to her? Yeah. Am I still, no. Is she? I know she isn't?


There was always a general mistake that beauty generates automatic love. By experience, I personally don't believe that.

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