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'out of my league'

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hey i was at a party last night and there was this girl there ive met through friends and ive chatted with her a few times over the last few months, now im almost 23 and she turns 18 in a month or 2, now let me be clear im not interested in her...but i have a habbit of flirting with her allot and she doesnt hate it at all...But then some guy whose a friend of a friend goes to me 'dude shes way outa ur league' and then laughed... now that pissed me off, i have anger issues and i just ignored it but i soo wanted to launch this idiot of the balcony....now im in no way ever going to try and sleep with this girl on ask her out mearely because shes not soo smart at all despite being incredibly goodlooking. So why did this bother me so much???

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Because you're lying to yourself. It's really irritating that you find yourself attracted to a woman who is "not soo smart at all despite being incredibly goodlooking" because somehow you think that you should do "better".


Do you really think, at her age, she's looking for a father for her children? More likely, she's looking for someone cool to hang out with, learn about relationships with and make some great sexual memories with. Why not be that guy? ;)


Irritating, isn't it? :D

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shes too young...and in all honesty i dun think she'd go out with me...like she told a mutual friend that she finds me attractive etc. But ur right id love to fk her its just i get emotionally attached too easily i dont know why but i do. So in heinsight maybe its best i just let it go....anyway is that whole league thing real? like in my experiences women are wayy less shallow than men. Im not ugly but ive never thought of myself as heaps good looking, ive had self esteem issues which always ruin me in the end.

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hey i was at a party last night and there was this girl there ive met through friends and ive chatted with her a few times over the last few months, now im almost 23 and she turns 18 in a month or 2, now let me be clear im not interested in her...but i have a habbit of flirting with her allot and she doesnt hate it at all...But then some guy whose a friend of a friend goes to me 'dude shes way outa ur league' and then laughed... now that pissed me off, i have anger issues and i just ignored it but i soo wanted to launch this idiot of the balcony....now im in no way ever going to try and sleep with this girl on ask her out mearely because shes not soo smart at all despite being incredibly goodlooking. So why did this bother me so much???


if this 'friend of a friend' isn't a good mate then i wouldn't be so kind to the comment either and would've told him to f-off right there. chances are he's noticed the flirting and is just jealous cos he likes that same girl. so there - it bothers you so much cos you didn't 'launch this idiot off the balcony' when you should have :)

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