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What am I doing Wrong?


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I am so tired of getting screwed by men!! I have been single almost 3 years now after getting my heart ripped out by "Mr. Right". I have been on dates here and there and had nothing but jerks who lie and dissappear. Recently I met a man, through a friend who set us up. We talked on the phone for 2 months, every day, and then finally met one night. It was awesome, felt like we had known each other for years. Instant spark...............hadn't felt that way in years. He said it was mutual. Saw each other 2 days later, could not get enough of each other.


That was a week ago and he has vanished. No phone call, he ignored my message. What the hell happened? I didn't say anything weird, fart, sleep with him .................shoudl I let it go? It has hurt me very much.......and convinces me again, that I never want to date again and will be alone the rest of my life. I am 27 and he is 35, too old for these games. Help me. What did I do?

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I'm really sorry for what your going thru ,I personally think you have to look in the right place.

Have you tried calling him?


Did he say he'll call you?

Just wondering.

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I called him after a few days and he was short with me. I asked if he was still alive or if I had said something stupid the last time we went out and he said "no" but didn't seem to be phased by the fact that he had not called me in days. I told him to call me the next day after he got off work and I still have not heard from him in over a week. I am not calling him again because he called me everyday, sometimes twice a day, and he knows how to get in touch with me if he wants. I am not going to chase him or beg. It still hurts my feelings very much and makes me wonder what is wrong with me.

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He's probably not ready for a relationship or is not interested in a relationship at the time.

Don't call him, let him do the calling.If he doesn't forget about him and move on.

There's nothing wrong with you(from what you posted) ,it the people you get with are probably not ready for a relationship.

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It just makes me sick. I have no kids, never married, master's degree, place to live, good job.................and every man seems to want a girl who is barefoot and pregnant with no job, education.....................I am fed up.

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I don't think everyman (If any)want a pregnant woman :sick: .

I know I would not,That be like taking care of some one else's problems.

You sound really good in your career and life ,you have to look in the right place.

Its like that song "one day love will find you",I love that song.

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