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How LS has made this all a little easier for you?

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For me, just when I feel like I am all alone in the world, I come on LS and am filled with entries by people who are essentially saying "I know exactly how you feel". People are just more likely to share their true experiences and feelings when anonymous, and for me it's been especially good to read about men who have these same feelings, because honestly if I based the entire male population on my ex, than I would have to believe that men couldn't care less about what were supposed loved ones. Not that I like seeing people in pain, but it is comforting to know that my experience is not unique.


And honestly, it has helped me to realize that I would rather be the person who is on LS, grieving my lost love, because it proves to me that I am capable of loving, which I don't think our ex's were really able to do.


And I am also so grateful for people who have made it through such experiences and basically post just as a service to others, because from what it seems, they have learned these lessons and are willing to share and help. Maybe with this post and a couple of others I hope to do my part to give back to other people on this site who may be suffering.

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I guess it's the same for me. I come on here every day and read posts over and over. When you know people are going through almost the exact same thing, it just makes it easier... I've even read posts that make what I'm going through seem like I just don't have it that bad... LS has helped me so much... It even keeps me off of FB!

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Cherry Blossom 35

I think there are some really generous people here, who give really thoughtful advice and follow up as well.

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Citizen Erased
I agree, but I also can't help but notice how it's slowly turning into a war zone...


More like our awareness of it being a war zone comes on slowly. ;)

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I think there are some really generous people here, who give really thoughtful advice and follow up as well.


Agree. And this is how I came to stay. It has been amazing what I have learned.


More like our awareness of it being a war zone comes on slowly. ;)


Like a family. The longer we are here, the more we learn who each other is, and the more we know what the others will post.


I cans say that the war zone idea has been here since I began, and it depends on what threads you post and what forums you post. For instance, if you stay off the OM/OW and Infidelity forums, then you will avoid 99% of the "fights" IMO. And if you then decide not to get involved with the politics or religion, you have avoided the rest.


Personally, I don't see it as a war zone. I tend to avoid getting involved in personal attacks, and I rarely take things personally.


People, people..this is just an anonymous internet board.


Funny thing is...if we met in person, most of us would treat each other so much differently...and usually better, I think, in some cases.


To the OP....


You are now officially addicted. :D

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Personally, I don't see it as a war zone. I tend to avoid getting involved in personal attacks, and I rarely take things personally.


I agree. Most posters here are great. Sometimes it may appear like a war zone but I dont think it is. It is good to have those "strong" opinions.


I am very very impressed with the quality and the content posted here on LS.


Yes I am addicted. I spend few hours a day here. I want to stick around for alteast one more year.

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I want to stick around for at least one more year.


I am shooting for my ten year anniversary! :bunny: I only got six and a half years ago! :laugh:

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I am shooting for my ten year anniversary! :bunny: I only got six and a half years ago! :laugh:


It will pass in no time I'm sure!


I have read some great responses to posts and those moments keep me coming back. Its like getting to see beyond the end of a film sometimes..


T'is good, t'is good.


.. Gets in the way of my studying sometimes though so I will have to watch that.


Take care,

Eve xx

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