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Ring Shopping Etiquette

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Last two lawyers I engaged (no rings involved :D) provided one hour consultations on a complimentary basis. One is a business lawyer and the other is a estate planning lawyer and both are from a respected local firm which takes clients only by referral. This was within the last year. I would suspect the custom regarding consultations varies markedly from location to location and firm to firm.


And you'd be absolutely right in saying that. I'm very familiar with our competition (I make it my business to be familiar as to the practices of our competitors) and your suspicions would be exactly right.


As for "back east" that comprises a huge area...there's the north east and the southeast, the mid-atlantic area...totally different markets and within those areas are totally different markets. I mean I know that 40 mins away from us is a completely different market than where we are.


Anywho..believe it or not SG. I'm not going to participate any longer in h/j the lovely Allina's thread here.


So Allina, any ring updates?


Ok, just to add this and then I'm done with this...this is right off a website of a firm in our area:


What should I expect my divorce to cost?


It is impossible to determine in advance how much time will be needed to handle your divorce. If issues of spousal support, community property division, and child visitation rights require litigation, divorce cases can become lengthy.


We charge an initial consultation fee of $250, which is due at the time of the consultation. During the consultation, the attorney will discuss with you (deleted state) law and how it applies to the law in your case. Our attorneys work with fee advances ranging from $3,000 to $10,000 depending on the nature and complexity of the case. Some matters such as uncontested divorces and uncontested separation agreements are billed on a flat fee basis.

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I've never heard of charging for consultations, and laugh when attorneys boast about providing free consultations - it's the norm in California. Everyone from the Top 10 firms to the cheesy "CALL NOW! 1-800-INJURED!" attorneys provide free consultations.


I think the same applies to ring shopping, real estate, cars... When making an investment like that, it only makes sense to "shop around," and those in their respective industry should (and do!) recognize and understand that.

Yea, personal injury lawyers eat that up. They stand to gain if your hurt and it takes them 5 minutes to figure out if a lawsuit can be won from it.


But consultations for other things, such as wills, trusts, contracts, divorce, will almost always charge you. That's how they make money. They're not going to meet with someone for an hour and then not make a dime from it.

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Touche, you're right. AS ALWAYS. You know EVERYTHING about the practice of law. I bow down to thee, the one who started the TJ to begin with. :rolleyes:


I heart Allina... She can shop around, for free. :love:

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Touche, you're right. You know EVERYTHING about the practice of law. I bow down to thee, the one who started the TJ to begin with. :rolleyes:


I heart Allina... She can shop around, for free. :love:


Poscoe is exactly right! And no, I never said I know EVERYTHING about the practice of law. But you're implying you know our market better than I do. You don't.


And I didn't start any TJ. I was using that as an example of good business. Get it now?


You don't have to believe me. What do I care? Why would I make such a thing up? I used it to illustrate a point that went sailing over your head. Hopefully Allina, the one who my post was intended for, gets it.

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Poscoe is exactly right! And no, I never said I know EVERYTHING about the practice of law. But you're implying you know our market better than I do. You don't.


And I didn't start any TJ. I was using that as an example of good business. Get it now?


You don't have to believe me. What do I care? Why would I make such a thing up? I used it to illustrate a point that went sailing over your head. Hopefully Allina, the one who my post was intended for, gets it.


You are so rude, it floors me sometimes.


Show me where I said I know YOUR (the NON-lawyer) market? I never did. Quit putting words in my (and everyone else's) mouth. It's annoying.


Also, you care because you're a "know it all" and always need to have the last passive-aggressive, catty word. That's why. You'll prove it to me by responding to this post. And don't insult my intelligence. Nothing YOU say would ever go sailing over my head. Don't give yourself that much credit.





Sorry, Allina. Back to your rings... :love:

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You're really laughable you know that?


I posted on-topic to answer Allina's question and you thought for some reason, that you wanted to challenge me regarding something you know zip about. Zip. You don't know what the common practice is around here at all. Yet you responded to my post with sarcasm and ignorance.


I don't know ANY attorneys who charge for consultations. Your husband isn't so special in that regard.


Remember that bit? Sarcastic and RUDE. Just because in your limited experience and your market YOU don't know any who charge for consultations, doesn't mean that in other markets they don't either.


Other posters even pointed that out to you.


Laughable I tell you. You're making yourself look bad.


Sorry, Allina.


Time to use the ignore feature!

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I've never heard of charging for consultations, and laugh when attorneys boast about providing free consultations - it's the norm in California. Everyone from the Top 10 firms to the cheesy "CALL NOW! 1-800-INJURED!" attorneys provide free consultations.




Well just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In Canada depending on the type of law they practice they WILL charge even an initial consultation fee.


Why are you being so rude about it? There is no need to be so rude SG.


Allina I wouldn't feel bad about going ring shopping when you don't intend to buy. You will buy SOMEWHERE so each place you visit could feel like they will be the one even if it is down the road. I go into Tiffany's ALL the time and 98% of the time I don't buy and as you know @Tiffany's you have to make an appointment for a sales clerk when it's busy like Sat mornings etc.

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Ok ring shopping it is! :bunny: I think we'll go either this weekend or next weekend. Thanks you guys for helping me out, I was a little clueless. And of course thanks to my LS friends for the warm wishes :love:

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Congrats, Allina! I wish you the very best. Do enjoy the whole process and don't rush it...savor it. It's a special time.:):)


It's not often I get a feeling about a relationship really being a good one on here..to be honest there's been only one other (she just got married too.) But yeah, I get that vibe with the two of you.:love:


Have fun!


(Sorry about all the nonsense on your thread..you know I get caught up in the silly drama sometimes!:laugh: )

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Thanks a lot Touche, that means a lot. I think we'll make an afternoon of checking out rings, it'll be fun :bunny:


And I never mind a little off topic banter in my threads :laugh::laugh: But everyone I like has to be nice to each other, feel free to attack all those people I don't like, there's plenty of them :lmao:

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Thanks a lot Touche, that means a lot. I think we'll make an afternoon of checking out rings, it'll be fun :bunny:


And I never mind a little off topic banter in my threads :laugh::laugh: But everyone I like has to be nice to each other, feel free to attack all those people I don't like, there's plenty of them :lmao:


You're welcome, Allina. :)


It could even be more than an afternoon you know! :laugh:


As for the part about everyone you like liking each other... I didn't know you were so into fantasies!:laugh:

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  • 1 month later...
I'm not going to say it...YET...allina. I have to restrain myself from wanting to get all mooshy about this for you! :love:


You see couples in jewelry stores all the time, trying on rings but not necessarily buying, on the spot. I wouldn't worry about it. Better to know not only what you like but also what suits your hand.


These bunnies are in this post for a reason, a reason I can't say yet! :bunny::bunny:


So allina, how about an update? Did you get engaged as well? If so, did the ring-shopping help?

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So allina, how about an update? Did you get engaged as well? If so, did the ring-shopping help?


No not engaged yet, all I know is that it's happening sometime in 2009 :laugh:


I did take LS's advice about the ring shopping though. My SO selected a company he wanted to purchase the ring from. It's a great place, not only do they create beautiful pieces but they're also conflict free AND they donate to regions in the world hurt by the diamond industry.


They do these one on one appointments with couples where you get to ask all the questions you may have, try on anything you want, compare sizes, look at loose diamonds under a magnifier etc.


We went yesterday afternoon, it was wonderful and so much fun!

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That's awesome Allina!! I've never been ring-shopping... my ex bought my engagement ring on his own, and surprised me with it.


I've always wondered how a shopper would be able to tell a good-quality diamond... and how much you should take what they tell you at face-value. There's so much money involved in it - I would want to know what I was doing.


Also, ever since I saw the movie Blood Diamond I've been leaning toward wearing Austrian crystal instead of diamonds... Is there a way to find out for sure that the company sells only conflict-free diamonds?

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Ooooooooh I am so excited for you Allina!!!! That's great that you went shopping afterall. I too never got to go shopping for mine either, mine just did it too. Luckily he had good taste and knew mine. :laugh:


That sounds like so much fun!! but overwhelming too, did you hit a wall at some point I know I would from all the great options tee-hee! Did you already have something in mind when you went in?

I find the higher end stores are more accommodating for "window shopping" of any jewelry type, while the mall type places (was looking for a gold pendant recently) they were extremely pushy and gave me lots of attitude when I didn't buy. I never EVER get that at the high end stores and they take the time out and are far more patient about it.



Of course it will happen this year, you are shopping for a ring together please come back and update when it does. All the best to you and your hubby to be Allina. ;)

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That's awesome Allina!! I've never been ring-shopping... my ex bought my engagement ring on his own, and surprised me with it.


I've always wondered how a shopper would be able to tell a good-quality diamond... and how much you should take what they tell you at face-value. There's so much money involved in it - I would want to know what I was doing.


Also, ever since I saw the movie Blood Diamond I've been leaning toward wearing Austrian crystal instead of diamonds... Is there a way to find out for sure that the company sells only conflict-free diamonds?


I think you can be sure that a company sells conflict free diamonds because the Co. and all their products will have a certification that verifies where they came from and that they are conflict free. In addition, the place we chose is very reputable. There are countless articles and press releases about them so I feel comfortable trusting them.


The woman we met with was very informative, and I liked how she wasn't trying to push us by suggesting we go for bugger, clearest, most expensive. When discussing quality she'd lay out a couple diamonds on a tray for us to look at and handle. She's have us compare an SI2 to a WS2 to an IF under a jeweler's magnifier, we did the same with color.


Not that doing all this for an hour makes us experts but it was helpful.


I'm not removed from the process, the rest will be a surprise.

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Dare I congratulate you now? :laugh:


I can't wait to see what the two of you have chosen. I'm sure it's going to be gorgeous AND ethical.


All the best to you and your intended. :bunny::)


Details of wedding dates and everything, are necessities on LS!

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Interesting info, thanks!! So the clearer it is, the more high-quality/expensive it is, huh... (I vaguely remember my ex trying to explain all that to me, but it all went straight over my head. I was mush, I tell ya!!) And that's good to hear about the certification, I'm glad they're doing that now.


Good for you!! That's awesome that you went and did that together. It makes it even more special.

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How do people do this? Is it rude to walk in to a store to just try on rings? Especially if you have no plan to buy a ring there? It feels tacky to me.


I never went 'ring shopping' but I would think that many people go shopping just to compare and see what's out there.. how would you know what you really like.. etc.. I don't think it would be tacky.. you have to go look at many places before you find exactly what you want.. IMO.. it's like shopping for a sofa or a coat .. same thing.


My last ex loved to buy me expensive jewelry.. I've never been a big fan of diamonds.. one of the most expensive piece I got was a diamond bracelet.. I saw the 'invoice'... $25,000... gosh.. I rarely wear it.. I'm too scare to lose it.. :laugh:

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That sounds like so much fun!! but overwhelming too, did you hit a wall at some point I know I would from all the great options tee-hee! Did you already have something in mind when you went in?


It was fun. I was actually sure I knew what I wanted when we went in, but I found something I loved even more! Also, I realized I was very wrong about the size I wanted. I thought I wanted something like 1.5 carats, but after trying that size on I realized that was HUGE on me and wasn't a good look.


I felt out of the loop when we were discussing the quality and I couldn't tell the difference. I was like "huh? which one is this again?


Dare I congratulate you now? :laugh:


I can't wait to see what the two of you have chosen. I'm sure it's going to be gorgeous AND ethical.


All the best to you and your intended. :bunny::)


Details of wedding dates and everything, are necessities on LS!


The rings were SO beautiful! I never paid much attention to fancy jewelry before, I didn't realize how stunning the peices would be!


And no congrats are due just yet. My wonderful SO is a bit of a planner and perfectionist, so he won't be rushing this :laugh:


Thank you for the lovely wishes :)

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Hey Allina, congrats on the ring shopping!

I missed out on that because WB bought mine as a surprise....just as well it looks perfect on my hand.

Mines 0.5 carat with diamonds on the shoulder and a diamond wedding band. Anything bigger would look silly as I have really little hands.


I am really happy for you, and its nice to see you are thinking of the conflict diamond issue, WB did too.


Looking forward to hearing the next instalment!

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It was fun. I was actually sure I knew what I wanted when we went in, but I found something I loved even more! Also, I realized I was very wrong about the size I wanted. I thought I wanted something like 1.5 carats, but after trying that size on I realized that was HUGE on me and wasn't a good look.


I felt out of the loop when we were discussing the quality and I couldn't tell the difference. I was like "huh? which one is this again?





that's exactly what happened to my sister, she didn't realise that the size of the diamond is not necessarily the best quality, her diamond is more on the modest size though not small by any means but the cut is flawless she is in a room and the thing lights up and gives off light like fireworks, it's GORGEOUS. She too thought they looked really big and ugly on her hand too. there is definitely a benfit to trying it on first. Mine was big-ish but my taste has changed so radically over the years I can't imagine wearing that same ring all my life.


Smart move all around A! It's not about the ring but it is about wearing something you feel comfortable in. Big is not better at all, I agree.

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that's exactly what happened to my sister, she didn't realise that the size of the diamond is not necessarily the best quality, her diamond is more on the modest size though not small by any means but the cut is flawless she is in a room and the thing lights up and gives off light like fireworks, it's GORGEOUS. She too thought they looked really big and ugly on her hand too. there is definitely a benfit to trying it on first. Mine was big-ish but my taste has changed so radically over the years I can't imagine wearing that same ring all my life.


Smart move all around A! It's not about the ring but it is about wearing something you feel comfortable in. Big is not better at all, I agree.


I agree.. it's hard to tell if it's a real diamond or just a 'Cracker Jack' imitation.. :laugh:


I much prefer a nice plain band.. I hate diamond rings.. they are, IMO, tacky. I have never ever seen a diamond ring that I like.. my last ex wanted me to have one.. but I always said I didn't want any. I only wear plain bands.. I have 2 on my fingers.. no rings..


To each their own.. :o

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I agree.. it's hard to tell if it's a real diamond or just a 'Cracker Jack' imitation.. :laugh:




It's true they all look good in pictures, especially when you are looking at them online! ;)

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It's true they all look good in pictures, especially when you are looking at them online! ;)


Good idea.. I think I'll start posting pictures of expensive cars, diamonds, RV, fur, houses and post them as being my last big spending spree :laugh:


It's always nice to 'daydream'.. :laugh:

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