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is anyone else ever paranoid that the people they are posting about secretly read LS?

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Cherry Blossom 35

oooohh, yeah, I feel I've given away a few telling clues about myself and my relationships....oh well...

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One little tip if you're concerned. Never post a picture of yourself unless you're certain the people who are going to see it, aren't people you know. That's how I got busted twice. I never, ever thought these guys would happen on LS since they're as far from the type to frequent a purse forum, as you could possibly think. Well, it turns out that both were googling things of interest to them which weren't relationship oriented, read my comments and thought they recognized the style, tracked more of my posts, then confirmed it was me when I posted the odd pic. If not for the pics, they wouldn't have been certain.

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Yes all the time! It sucks, I feel like I can't be completely honest. My EX knows of this site, and a few friends.

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I once thought my BF posted on one of my threads. The poster made a comment that sounded soo like him. God, I was so horrified. Turned out to be just a false alarm, but I have been paranoid ever since.

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I always just figure that none of them are as obsessive about relationship issues as I am, but I sometimes find myself changing small details to protect the guilty.

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If members give even the slightest bit of thought to creating user names that nobody knows about and don't share them with anybody...and don't tell people they come to this site...and clear their Internet history (all precautions that even the most unsophisticated person would know to take to protect this identity and information here) none of this would be a problem.


Unfortunately, there are many people who can't do anything without telling the world...including posting highly personal information on an Internet forum and telling people exactly how to get to it. DUH!!!

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No matter how many safeguards you put into place, it's possible by sheer coincidence that people can find you. If it's that big a deal, the best thing to do is not to post it at all.


Sure, it was a little strange that I got stalked here. But...there nothing that I've posted on LS, that is detrimental to me as a person or at least what I consider detrimental. If anything on LS reduces me to my friends or anyone of romantic interest, then it's best that we part ways because what I express on LS, is what I express in real life. If they haven't figured out who I really am, that's not my problem.

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I don't know how anyone I know in real life could link me to "johan". If anyone did, I don't think I'd be bothered about what they would find. Other than the "hairpiece" thread, I haven't posted anything terribly personal. If someone did put in the time to figure it out, I'd have to question what their problem was.

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I don't know how anyone I know in real life could link me to "johan"

Tehehe.. Me too. Not exactly shy on the surface.


I have never told a soul I'm posting on this site. Oh, well only my sister..lol

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LOL so people post here, then tell the x in the hopes the x will read the things they said to strangers online and fall back in love or something????


good god. good luck. thats some crazy crap right there!!


Im not worried now.....when I had the name cashley i realised it could be googled, by my x or his x wife...but i doubt either of them care, but i changed my name anyway;)....heck, i rekon if i gave my egox an email with a LINK to a thread, he wouldnt even bother to look.


im safe as houses!!!! no one cares...

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My BF posted as me before. And one time when we were broken up he sat up and read all my posts that had to do with him.


He actually was flattered that I devoted so much of my time trying to sort out our relationship.


My kids know my username. I'm on here a lot. But I think it's kind of cool in a way.


When they are grown they can come here and read what I've written and it'll be like they are reading my diary.


It'll also help them with anything they need help with if I'm not around cause I died. So if I die you Shackers be nice to my kids.


Sometimes I think if my dad ever read it I would totally hate that. And sometimes I think my neighbor Nick from the FBI already has. He made a comment before that made me wonder. I'm sure he has access to my computer if he'd want it. He'd be the only one I would be suspicious of hacking into my mind.


Still I don't care. I don't write anything on here that I wouldn't tell the people closest to me anyway if they asked. Sure I maybe wouldn't volunteer it so easily as I do here but I am not embarrassed by what I think.

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My ex knows about it and I don't care on that count.


But I have wondered about other people possibly finding me. But I haven't used my real name as far as I can remember and I won't be putting up a personal pic.


I would wonder about finding people I know, too - I think that would be interesting.

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One thing that people should keep in mind is that a secret is only powerful if it's kept a secret. The more people know, the less power it has to hurt you.

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No, I have never been bothered by it.


I do think though, if people are overly concerned or paranoid, then sometimes it might not be best to post in a public forum.

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The paranoid ones probably don't have much to worry about. It's the ones who don't give it much thought who end up getting surprised.


Not if they have nothing to hide of fearful of being found out.


It bothers me not if people who know me, know that I'm on here. I have even told a few people we know about this site. If the choose to join, cool, if not, cool. :cool:

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