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CBT Counselling


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I have a thread on the self improvement board about the child abuse I suffered. It was mostly mental and some physical abuse. It has greatly affected my adult life, especially the relationship with my son. I want to learn to be a better parent.

I am going for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I wondered if anyone like me has gone thought this type of counselling? Have the found it helpful or is it too goal orientated? I have been to transactional personal therapy and found this very useful, but can’t afford this since I moved country.

Any comments please??

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CBT is wonderful and it saved me as I suffered from an anxiety disorder. It is talk therapy and the T will help you change your ways of thinking and processing. You'll learn coping techniques to help you deal with your past and you'll learn how to stay focussed in the present.


I am sorry to hear about your abuse, noone should have to go through that, so my heart goes out to you.

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