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The resentment feeling was on initial exposure to the event I foresaw, when I got over the initial shock of it all, I did feel sorrow for this co-worker, because she was clearly in emotional pain and the manager of our department did send her home once he came into work.


It's fantastic that you were able to feel sorrow and actually understand this woman's pain of losing her mother..That's a good step in changing!


I'm struggling to grasp the concept of feeling for someone if all it does is bring your mood down? If life is messy then why add more mess to your life?


Because when things aren't messy, being inlove, caring about a loved one, family, friends etc, and all that it brings is more positive than negative. Everyone goes through up's and down's in life, alot of it is out of our control.. But it makes a big difference to have someone in your corner, someone to rely on, to make you smile and feel good during those low moments in life.


Because most of the time the good outweighs the bad and it's worth it.


Once you are further along in therapy, you'll learn coping techniques which won't let life's messy surprises or whatever else that isn't good, ruin you and bring you down. It helps build character and your strength.


This is what I don't understand? Why is it scary to care for someone, if caring for someone is seen as a noble characteristic of human nature? But one thing I did feel was slightly more normal than usual, I felt a bit more human, so I'm taking this into my therapy session too along with my confusion and questions.


It's scary to care for someone because it means you open yourself up to pain and being vunerable. BUT that isn't a bad thing at all, especially if you're with the right person. Learning to trust and have faith is important.

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Well, you do shut out the mess if you don't interact emotionally with anyone, but you also keep out all the good stuff.

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