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7 years...

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I didnt know where to post my story so i guess under general would be a good start.


The title, 7 years, is how long I have been in love with this person. The back ground is that we met on the internet (kind of the bar of my generation eh) we were young, under 18, talked every day on the net and over the phone.


We were there for each other through troubled times and eventually decided we wanted to be together. I know many peoples opinion on relationships over the internet and they are mostly very skeptical. We had been talking for nearly a year and had a relationship for another 1.5 years. They broke it off because of the distance, we are in different countries. We both moved on and began other relationships but would through out this time get in contact with each other, and it was like we had never stopped talking.


Now in the beginning of this year we got back in contact, I am now single and they are still in the same relationship. We got back in contact as friends, they were my best friend and vice versa. But one night after not talking for a week as their SO was getting suspect (SO does not want us talking), I decided to just come out and say how i felt. To my amazement they replied they felt the same and always had.


We are still in different countries.


For the most part of this year we have been talking on the phone, net, texts, everything. We have talked about being together, life, and just everything in general. We have used the 'i love yous' and all those things.


I do feel bad that they are with someone, and this is something I thought I would never do.


Everything between us has stopped now, well as much as we can. I have an internal fight to keep away the urge to text them, and they do too. I will get texts from them while they are drunk saying things like 'I miss you' and then the next day something along the lines of 'sorry I shouldnt have said that'. I know this cycle and have lost it one time about this.


Its just after 7 years, nearly 8 I cant shake this feeling, I am willing to do the long distant thing and everything as I belive it is worth it. They feel trapped in their relationship and wont leave.


I have no option but to accept this, but how do I do that? How do i get over loving someone for over 7 years.


I guess this is just a rant, but if anyone had any thought I would be greatful.




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Have you actually met in person- Face to face? It just seems, even if the contact has been on the phone, it's more fantasy based...Doesn't mean you two don't have a connection, I'm sure you do..


The distance, different countries have alot to do with this as well as the fact this person IS seeing someone and their SO doesn't like the closeness between you two.


Think about taking a break, get out and meet other people, live your life. Hanging onto someone that you feel a connection with online isn't good especially when it isn't going anywhere. It'll prevent you from opening your heart to someone else too.

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