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! Who do I believe? this is eating me up...

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So my ex and I broke up mutually under the agreement that we needed to work on ourselves. We decided we MIGHT get back together when he gets back from a tour he recently left on. He still tells me he loves me and will end each conversation with "I love you."


A couple of days before he left, he came over to my house and we ended up heavily making out and saying how we love each other so much and how we both got scared at the end of the relationship because it got so serious and both asserted that we had never loved anyone as much as we had loved each other. I started crying and then he did too and we finally parted ways after a very tearful goodbye.


He's gone for the next three months. His roommates keep IMing me to get me to come over. They keep asking if I want to hang out and spend the night and one of them was even talking about how ambiguous my relationship with S (my ex) was.


Then yesterday, the roommate, T, IMs me. T tells me that S told him repeatedly before he left that he doesn't love me and never plans to get back together with me. I told T that that doesn't make sense because of the way he acted before he left and that he told me he loved me that same day....not even as a response, but he asserted it. T maintains that S is deceptive and he's really angry at him. He says S said that we aren't compatible because he likes to go out and I'm more of a homebody. T told me I CANNOT tell S he said it.


Angrily, I called S. He didn't pick up, but called back five minutes later. I told him everything T told me and asked if this was true, he just felt like he didn't have the heart to tell me. He was taken aback and emphatically denied it. He said it wasn't true at ALL and he had never said those things. He kept saying "I LOVE YOU" very forcefully and then told me that the only problem he has is that since he's left I've been talking to him too much and we need more space. But he said "I LOVE YOU" repeatedly. After we hung up he texted me and kept saying he wanted to know who said these things. I told him T did and he was like "Ok. Wow."


I told T what S had said and he claimed S was lying to me and couldn't believe it. then like 10 minutes later, he asked me to come over and I said no and haven't spoken to S or T since.


I've never known S to be deceptive, but my other ex, C, treated me like dog food after we broke up....so I wouldn't be surprised if S thinks he's doing the right thing by sparing my feelings. But one of my friends asserted that one of her friends had dated one of S's roommates and weird stuff happened after they ended it with "those boys". So I'm not sure.


Since C treated me so badly, I have A LOT of trust issues. It came in to play in my relationship with S. I don't want to jeopardize anything with S by showing him I don't trust him if he is telling the truth. However, I don't want to look like an idiot either and believe a bald faced lie.


What do you think is the case? i really can't sleep over this....

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I don't get it when people say 'I love you' but can leave you like that.


Is he taking a trip because he can't live for only short time?

His and your family has some trouble like romeo and juliet?


this is free country and if he can't be with you, then it tells everything


I don't think you should trust just 'I love you' comment.

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No it is a trip for work. We mutually broke up and neither of us want to be together for the moment, but we do love each other...or at least I love him.

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