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Messy Car = Messy House?

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almost famous

To tell you the truth, I have a cleaning lady come every 2 weeks. I hate to clean, but I do minimal amounts in between her visits.

My car I have the full-service deal every few weeks, they clean everything. I do always pick up the trash and such though.

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My car I have the full-service deal every few weeks, they clean everything. I do always pick up the trash and such though.


I have a kid.. so puke and formula are standard options in my truck today..

That stuff gets everywhere..


I have it cleaned every few weeks and if I need to impress someone or take my wife out I have it cleaned for that event..

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OP, rather than project, perhaps the operative question to consider is whether you are comfortable with her messy car. Remember the parameters of dating and how people generally show their best (or what they perceive other to consider as their best) first.


Anecdotally, my wife's and my vehicles reflect our housekeeping style and philosophy of life very accurately. That's all I'm going to say :D

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