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shy or not interested? or what?


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i posted a message about a girl i went on a date with a few days ago ( http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t24000/ ) , well today was the first time ive seen her since that date (we did talk on the phone once the day after for about 30 min and that was it). well im getting mixed singals from her. Friends at work tell me she likes me, but she has never called me on her own(only has returned my calls) and she hasnt really given out any "i like you" body language or anything like that even during the 1st date, at least nothing that stands out to me. Today at work out of nowhere she called my cell phone knowing we were both in the building and gave me a sort of flirtacious "hi"

i did the same and she said "ok i have to go back to work" we said bye and that was it. To me this would seem like flirting, which really gave me some intense mixed singals whether or not she likes me. is it shyness? does she just not like me and is just keeping me on the edgefor fun? what really puzzles me is that she is such an outgoing girl. she can have a conversation with strangers, so shyness just doesnt seem to fit. what do you think my friends?




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try asking to go on another date with her. if she refuses with an excuse its probably meaning she isnt interested in you but doesnt want to hurt your feelings by str8 up saying yo man go elsewhere...just an opinion remember.

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any ideas for a second date my sensed mixed feelings from her? Also with her not calling me should i continue to keep calling her? i don't want to seem like I'm desperate or being a pest.




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um, try dating other people, forget her. If she calls you, congrats! if not just keep on searching you will find the right one someday.

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if i were you, i'd take her out again.


FYI, easily talking to strangers has nothing to do with shyness in personal relationships - i am exactly that way, strangers are no problem, but i get shy in other situations.


And nothing wrong with her only returning your calls - she's a lady!!


good luck,


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There has to be some equality there. If she NEVER calls, and gives no signals, and offers little to no reciprocation, then simply consider it not interested, and move on.


You're not just a little puppy that needs to cater to her every whim. She's not the only girl in the world, afterall. Life is too short for that crap.


Who needs the drama ?



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she DOES return his calls, and called him once just to say Hi. sounds good enough to me, atfer the first date!



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