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New girlfriend's parents are quite strict


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Well, being this the first serious relationship I have been in, I am not sure if all girl's parents are this strict or if i is just them, or possibly me. My girlfriend tells me that her last boyfriends were allowed only in the living room of the house, but I was allowed to go throughout the house with her. I am guessing this means that they aren't as strict with me than they are with her previous boyfriends. But I still sense some hostility. Her mother is very adamant about not letting her over here until she has met my mother and knows me more. I'm not sure how much more she wants to know about me seeing as i have told her all the information that i could think of. I really like her, but her parents are making it quite a hassle for us to do things together without much planning. I;m not exactly sure how strict parents work because i live with my single mother and she really doesn't set many rules and regulations for us. Well now that you have read my blah, any help with what i can do to get her parents to trust me more or to cope with the distrust would dbe appreciated.

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YOU WRITE: "...any help with what i can do to get her parents to trust me more or to cope with the distrust would dbe appreciated."


Getting a sex change operation may help. Her parents would probably feel better about her being friends with a female.


I don't see her parents as being strict at all. They are simply exercising due caution in what has become a very dangerous world. They want to be sure their daughter is in the hands of a record-free, well behaved and respectful young man who will treat her good and protect her from harm.


If you want to expedite things somewhat, arrange a meeting between your mother and her parents so they can get to know each other. That will give your girl's parents a much higher level of comfort. Understand that the parents of a male are not going to be nearly as cautious in these sorts of matters as the parents of a female, as a rule.


Hang in there and let her parents get to know you better and I think you'll find their attitude will change. It seems you have made pretty good progress so far, getting to go all through the house already when her previous boyfriends didn't get that far.

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