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? for the guys or gals...

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When you go out, do you call the next day to thank her/him for the good time you had? blablabla...


I never called a guy specifically to thank him and tell him I had a good time.. but I have a few guys who do that ...


Like my 'hottie', he left me a message saying he had a good time last night, that he enjoyed the movie and the 'company' and wished he will see me again very soon... also that he'll call later ...


Do you call your date the next day? (to sweet talk her/him)

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Prodigal Princess

I've had guys call or text me the next day but to me, that move reeks of desperation and is a massive turn off.


In my book, the only time it's okay to contact someone the day after a date is if you're already in an established relationship and used to frequent contact. Otherwise, back off!

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I only send messages to my GFs - thanking them for spending the day/night with me! :laugh:

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Hi Lizzie,


I don't call my first or second date the next day but if I've been dating someone for quite some time, sure, why not?

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Hi Lizzie,


I don't call my first or second date the next day but if I've been dating someone for quite some time, sure, why not?


I never called after a date.. but I think it's sweet.. my MM from work does that, mostly through email or MSN.. he always thanks me.


Now this one.. we dated many years ago.. and he never called before... I just find it strange that he does now.. must be the fact that he's now 6 years older.. :laugh: he matured.. ;)

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Yes. Guys want to know that a woman appreciates the time she spent with him, unless its never going to happen again.

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Hi Lizzie,


I don't call my first or second date the next day but if I've been dating someone for quite some time, sure, why not?


I find that it's a bit off if SO or myself do not call eachother when it's exclusive - but that's just me. Obviously when you live together, you don't have to call unless it's an emergency :laugh:.


As for dates, from what I can recall - I thanked them at the end of the dates. That was sufficient. But the day after or two, I'd get text messages/calls from them thanking me (again) etc. Cute and funny!

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it all depends. if it's a woman my age I usually call. if it's a woman much older than I,,,, I never call as I don't want her thinking I want to see her again.


Older women get old real quick. The younger they are the more tread they have left lol.

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it all depends. if it's a woman my age I usually call. if it's a woman much older than I,,,, I never call as I don't want her thinking I want to see her again.


Older women get old real quick. The younger they are the more tread they have left lol.


That doesn't make sense..why would you go on a date with her in the first place? :laugh:

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If it's a boyfriend I don't call him and thank him the next day (I usually just do it right then & there), but if it's just a date with someone I am interested in, then yes I will call or text the next day telling him thank you and that I had fun.


They want to know you are interested and appreciative of their efforts...and vice versa...b/c I know I would want to know if my mate had fun or not.

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desperate that night:bunny:


wow... I feel sad for you.. I never date out of desperation.. that would tell me that I'm a 'loser' and can't get anyone .. :lmao:

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wow... I feel sad for you.. I never date out of desperation.. that would tell me that I'm a 'loser' and can't get anyone .. :lmao:
no need to feel sad:) i got what i wanted,,,my scratch itched


can't score a young one every night,,,,sometimes you have to go for the low hanging fruit:lmao::lmao: if you know what i mean lol:bunny:

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