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More than friends???

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I have known this girl, January, for about 3 years. When I met her, she was dating one of my best friends. Last September, they broke up due to some unforseen circumstances, but they remained friends. After two weeks, they got back together. They dated for another month, before they broke up again.


Well, around december, I saw her. All of a sudden, she seemed vary attractive. I was very attracted to her. I had never felt this way about her. I mean I almost immmediately fell in love with her. I began to talk to her, call her on the phone once in a while, and we became really good friends.(By this time, her ex-boyfriend wasn't my friend anymore, he was just an "acquaintance" per say. I didn't really talk to him anymore, we just hung out once in a while. But he would constantly saythat he still had feelings for her, and that he still loved her)


Well, needless to say, one of my friends decided to go and tell her that I had feelings for her. Turns out, she liked me too. So, we began to see each other exclusively. I mean, no boyfriend/girlfriend, just plainly seeing each other. One night, we went out on a date, and one of her x-boyfriend's friends saw us together, and he went and told him.


So thing s took a bad turn when he decided to talk to January, and ask her what was going on. She told him that she had feelings for me, and he went ape s*** on her. He went and to ld her to go f*** herself, that why was she going out with his friends. Then he called me, and threatened to beat me up, and do all this crazy stuff to me. So I went and talked to her about it, and we decided to stay friends.


Well, that didn't last very long. A week later, we were seeing each other again.


We've been like that ever since, kida seeing each other behind his back. It turned worse for us because we began to get "intimate" with each other last week, so now our feelings towards each othr have changed. we want to become b-friend and g-friend, but we are both reluctant about it because in doing so, we will break up a lot of close friends, and basically cause chaos for all of our friends. we don't know what to do, should we got through with it, or should we stop and wait?????????? HELP ME OUT

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I have known this girl, January, for about 3 years. When I met her, she was dating one of my best friends. Last September, they broke up due to some unforseen circumstances, but they remained friends. After two weeks, they got back together. They dated for another month, before they broke up again. Well, around december, I saw her. All of a sudden, she seemed vary attractive. I was very attracted to her. I had never felt this way about her. I mean I almost immmediately fell in love with her. I began to talk to her, call her on the phone once in a while, and we became really good friends.(By this time, her ex-boyfriend wasn't my friend anymore, he was just an "acquaintance" per say. I didn't really talk to him anymore, we just hung out once in a while. But he would constantly saythat he still had feelings for her, and that he still loved her) Well, needless to say, one of my friends decided to go and tell her that I had feelings for her. Turns out, she liked me too. So, we began to see each other exclusively. I mean, no boyfriend/girlfriend, just plainly seeing each other. One night, we went out on a date, and one of her x-boyfriend's friends saw us together, and he went and told him. So thing s took a bad turn when he decided to talk to January, and ask her what was going on. She told him that she had feelings for me, and he went ape s*** on her. He went and to ld her to go f*** herself, that why was she going out with his friends. Then he called me, and threatened to beat me up, and do all this crazy stuff to me. So I went and talked to her about it, and we decided to stay friends. Well, that didn't last very long. A week later, we were seeing each other again. We've been like that ever since, kida seeing each other behind his back. It turned worse for us because we began to get "intimate" with each other last week, so now our feelings towards each othr have changed. we want to become b-friend and g-friend, but we are both reluctant about it because in doing so, we will break up a lot of close friends, and basically cause chaos for all of our friends. we don't know what to do, should we got through with it, or should we stop and wait?????????? HELP ME OUT



So January essentially broke up with this guy in September. He used to be your friend, but isn't really anymore.


Understandably after 3 years with this girl, he's not going to be very happy seeing her with anyone, least of all someone who he thought of as a friend.


But that's his problem. September was 6 months ago. And creeping around with her, and not being public implies you are guilty of something. It's not like you broke them up!!


People may have a bit of a tough time readjusting to you and her being together, and since her ex is taking it so badly, they may feel they have divided loyalties.


But you haven't done anything wrong, to justify your friends being difficult about this.


I'd go out wiith January, and see how things develop. And any friend who felt compromised, well I'd just steer clear of them for a bit. Give them time to get used to things.


good luck!

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I have known this girl, January, for about 3 years. When I met her, she was dating one of my best friends. Last September, they broke up due to some unforseen circumstances, but they remained friends. After two weeks, they got back together. They dated for another month, before they broke up again. Well, around december, I saw her. All of a sudden, she seemed vary attractive. I was very attracted to her. I had never felt this way about her. I mean I almost immmediately fell in love with her. I began to talk to her, call her on the phone once in a while, and we became really good friends.(By this time, her ex-boyfriend wasn't my friend anymore, he was just an "acquaintance" per say. I didn't really talk to him anymore, we just hung out once in a while. But he would constantly saythat he still had feelings for her, and that he still loved her) Well, needless to say, one of my friends decided to go and tell her that I had feelings for her. Turns out, she liked me too. So, we began to see each other exclusively. I mean, no boyfriend/girlfriend, just plainly seeing each other. One night, we went out on a date, and one of her x-boyfriend's friends saw us together, and he went and told him. So thing s took a bad turn when he decided to talk to January, and ask her what was going on. She told him that she had feelings for me, and he went ape s*** on her. He went and to ld her to go f*** herself, that why was she going out with his friends. Then he called me, and threatened to beat me up, and do all this crazy stuff to me. So I went and talked to her about it, and we decided to stay friends. Well, that didn't last very long. A week later, we were seeing each other again. We've been like that ever since, kida seeing each other behind his back. It turned worse for us because we began to get "intimate" with each other last week, so now our feelings towards each othr have changed. we want to become b-friend and g-friend, but we are both reluctant about it because in doing so, we will break up a lot of close friends, and basically cause chaos for all of our friends. we don't know what to do, should we got through with it, or should we stop and wait?????????? HELP ME OUT



You need to stop worrying about what other people think. This involves you and your girlfriend. If those other people were truly your friends, then they would be happy for you. Listening to rumors and basing your decisions on them will only make you miserable. If the two of you want to be together, then do it. Noone else's feelings or actions should have anything to do with it.

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