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That's the plan. Thanks for sharing your story. I think it will all be just fine. I'm enjoying myself.


Hi Charlotte, what's goin on with London dude. When are you going to England, or have you already, you sly fox. I like most of the advice you've gotten about your LDR. I would offer you some but I suck at them.

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Hi Charlotte, what's goin on with London dude. When are you going to England, or have you already, you sly fox. I like most of the advice you've gotten about your LDR. I would offer you some but I suck at them.

Aww TLB, would you miss me if I ran off? I see you've found me in another section! I know... I'm cheating on the coping board being over here and no longer heartbroken. Remember Y? :p I'm not like Y, I won't disappear. I promise. You said my LDR... *sigh*. I can't win. I was trying not to define it but it seems the theme of this week is for me to define what I am doing. Honsety, I have no idea. I teeter between feeling absolutely insane and walking on a cloud. I didn't know that I was going to have to have super human emotional strength. Somehow it's worth it anyway :bunny::bunny::love:. No really :love:.

Sly fox? No, I haven't. Things are kind of hard for me right now. I'm ready to give up organs to keep my life intact and still visit. I really want to see him! (repeat previous 200x's for dramatic staging) Alas, this is not an option. I'm working on every available possible way to put my ducks in a row so I can go. You don't have to give me advice TLB just hope, pray, rain dance, magic trolls, finger crossing... whatever you do TLB, could you lend me some of it so I can get there faster? :cool:


*posted from a slightly rainy cloud 9*

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Charlotte, Yes I would miss you. But I'd be happy for you at the same time. Does that make sense? Anyhoo, as long as you have a plan on seeing him, I don't see any real problem. Do you understand how he feels about everything? If I know you as well as I think, he does understand or else you wouldn't still be talking to the guy.


I think the next step in the relationship is actually spending some quality time and going from there. It seems that you're getting to know the guy pretty well from conversations, but you need to take the next step, I suppose. HOpe all goes well.

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Charlotte, Yes I would miss you. But I'd be happy for you at the same time. Does that make sense?
I take it you are encouraging me to follow through with this insanity! Don't worry, if you'd warned me against it it would fall on deaf ears because atm all I can hear is his voice telling me to get on a plane. At least the two of you (and seemingly everyone who knows me at all) are in agreement. I obviously sound as enamored in text as I look in person. I've never been one to deceive so I suppose I don't mind.


Anyhoo, as long as you have a plan on seeing him, I don't see any real problem. Do you understand how he feels about everything? If I know you as well as I think, he does understand or else you wouldn't still be talking to the guy.
I plan to see him. It is just difficult for me to say exactly when because of how hard things are for me right now. I know how he feels. I'd tell you but it's not my place to post his business in the internet, so I will leave it at that. As for his understanding my position I am hopeful that he will be patient and tough it out just a little longer. You are right TLB, you know me (at least as far as LS and my heart are concerned)... if he was unreasonable I wouldn't like him at all. However I am tolerant of his reminders that I should come soon because in all honesty I would protest this distance with mighty enthusiasm if I thought it would change anything at all. (ie: I feel the same way but there is nothing more I can do.)


I think the next step in the relationship is actually spending some quality time and going from there.
Always is... is logical progression still applicable? Nothing thus far has followed standard procedure or common sense. l know I should expect that and I'm going to make it happen. Still, I think at this point I've thrown all convention out the window.


It seems that you're getting to know the guy pretty well from conversations, but you need to take the next step, I suppose. HOpe all goes well.

To that I can only say

Well, it no use your talking about waking him,’ said Tweedledum, ‘when you're only one of the things in his dream. You know very well you're not real.’

‘I am real!’ said Alice and began to cry.

‘You won't make yourself a bit realler by crying,’ Tweedledee remarked: ‘there's nothing to cry about.’

‘If I wasn't real,’ Alice said—half-laughing though her tears, it all seemed so ridiculous—‘I shouldn't be able to cry.’

‘I hope you don't suppose those are real tears?’ Tweedledum interrupted in a tone of great contempt.

‘I know they're talking nonsense,’ Alice thought to herself: ‘and it's foolish to cry about it.’

Thanks for the hope TLB. :bunny:
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You are welcome. I'd like to add that if you are that important to him, he can be patient enough to wait a while. But there is a such thing as being too patient. YOu need to find the right balance of missing him and dealing with the distance and at the same time, communicating the best you can each others feelings over the phone, IM, text, whatever.

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You are welcome. I'd like to add that if you are that important to him, he can be patient enough to wait a while. But there is a such thing as being too patient. YOu need to find the right balance of missing him and dealing with the distance and at the same time, communicating the best you can each others feelings over the phone, IM, text, whatever.

You are sweet TLB, really. I do what I can but I have no experience with things like this and I still think I am half crazy. As for communication, heh. That's all I have right now (oddly precisely opposite of what I'm used to) and what I want is to not talk and actually "do". I don't want to over complicate it with more talking.

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I think over communication is probably better than non communication, but if it does get complicated, it won't be from too much communication. It will be from someone's misinterpretation or misperception of that communication.


And I don't think you are crazy or are half crazy. You might feel a quarter crazy, but you shouldn't since even feeling that way could make things worse. Anyhoo, hope things are going well.

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