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10 months and I want her back


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It's been 10 months since I have last seen my ex girlfriend. She broke off the relatinship with me and it really broke my heart. Being dumped is hard enough, it's just the way that she did it. She never gave me a reason and just ended it just like that. Whenever I tried calling her searching for closure she would just tell me that she doesn't want to talk and just hang up. I sent her a xmas gift and a birthday gift and a letter expressing to her how I feel but still no sign from her. I'm ashamed to admit it but still after 10 months I still miss her and want her back in my life. I tried moving on dating other girls but it just wasn't the same. In my last letter that I wrote her I let my emotions pour out thinking that it would give me some closure and I told her that it would be the last time I would bother her but I still feel like crap. It's stupid of me thinking that she will ever contact me but I still have a glimmer of hope thinking that she will. Is it possible to get back together again after 10 months or should I let it be. Is there anyway to get through to someone that doesn't want to talk.

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I know how you feel. I was the same way with my first boyfriend. I pined for him for 2 years after we broke up and he just ignored me. It's hard. Breakups are hard. Especially when it wasn't your choice. But unfortunately, these things happen. You just have to let it go, no matter how much it hurts. And eventually the pain will go away and you will find someone else who wants to be with you and will make your life complete and you will forget about this girl that seems so important right now. Just give it some time. Get out and meet new people and do date more. It will help. You'll make it, just hang in there.

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Sounds like stalker syndrome to me. If she broke it off with you 10 months ago and doesn't even bother talking to you about it even now, then why are you still wanting her? If she doesn't give you the decency to even talk to you about it then i doubt she's worth such exuberant effort.

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Similar situation here. The only hope, if any at this point, in getting her back is to give her what she wants...the ability to contact you IF she chooses to without feeling like she is pressured to do it. The best thing you can do to get what you want is to do nothing. If only the rest of life were like this. If you should bump in to her, that could be good, but only if she gets the impression that it was only by chance. And you would have to play it cool. In the meantime, assume you'll never see her again and live your life. She would want you to do this. Be glad you had the time you did with her and concentrate on improving yourself as much as you can for the next one, whether it is her or someone else.

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