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She signed!

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And I get almost everything I demanded! The kids, the house, child support, everything except spousal support, which was an unrealistic demand anyway.



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Yeah, and not only that, I can finally wash my hands of her once and for all and move on! 'Scuse me if I don't reply anymore today, but I have an overwhelming urge to celebrate... :D Just a matter of where and how...

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Brother, if anyone deserves a celebration it’s you. Here’s wishing you and your kids much deserved peace and happiness.

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Darth Vader

OMG! You actually won over the HEX! I mean the EX!:p:lmao: Way to go!!!!!


So, why did she cave like this anyway?:confused:

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And I get almost everything I demanded! The kids, the house, child support, everything except spousal support, which was an unrealistic demand anyway.




Grats dude! I like happy endings :)


Oh yeah, on your next bday... give her a call (while heavily intoxicated) at a bar or something...


and say this..


"Getting a divorce with you was like the beeeeest birfday present I could ever ask! PEACE!!!!!!"


then hang up





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Darth Vader
LOL@the hex.


Congradulations. Move on to your new life. Go get some new coochie.



I'm glad I could make someone laugh and feel better!:cool:

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OMG! You actually won over the HEX! I mean the EX!:p:lmao: Way to go!!!!!


So, why did she cave like this anyway?:confused:


Because NOT caving would mean that everything she did and the way she did it and the consequences of her actions would have been dragged out in front of everybody and there would be no way she could justify any of it. She's still to this day hiding from herself and what she is. Saving face is really that important to her.


So, this way it's my word against hers. She gets to call me all kinds of names to whoever is willing to listen, she gets to play the victim, she gets to live in her fantasy world. She can pretend to have some redeeming social value now.


Happy ending? You've got to be kidding. Winning a divorce is like winning a tornado. I get stuff, sure, I get my kids, good, but I get a broken home, and the love of my life turned out to be a sick, lying, twisted slut.


I'm sure in no hurry to go out and get that 'coochie'. There's some 'coochie' trying to get me as it is. Dangerous woman. Agressive, life of the party, fun, etc. etc. Look what happened last time... no thanks! I may NEVER be ready. And, certainly not for the one who's pursuing me now!


No, I think it's best if I stay celibate until I can't stand it anymore.

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It's a euphoric feeling when the cheater signs and you're free of their crap!


A big 'Grats to you!!! :bunny:

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Because NOT caving would mean that everything she did and the way she did it and the consequences of her actions would have been dragged out in front of everybody and there would be no way she could justify any of it. She's still to this day hiding from herself and what she is. Saving face is really that important to her.


So, this way it's my word against hers. She gets to call me all kinds of names to whoever is willing to listen, she gets to play the victim, she gets to live in her fantasy world. She can pretend to have some redeeming social value now.


Happy ending? You've got to be kidding. Winning a divorce is like winning a tornado. I get stuff, sure, I get my kids, good, but I get a broken home, and the love of my life turned out to be a sick, lying, twisted slut.


I'm sure in no hurry to go out and get that 'coochie'. There's some 'coochie' trying to get me as it is. Dangerous woman. Agressive, life of the party, fun, etc. etc. Look what happened last time... no thanks! I may NEVER be ready. And, certainly not for the one who's pursuing me now!


No, I think it's best if I stay celibate until I can't stand it anymore.

Way to go BMM!


Don't know how old your kids are, but kids are like jello. They learn to adjust and be much happier in the long run. My sister's kids are much happier as a result of her divorce. Just as long as there are families (grandparents, uncles and aunties) besides you are there for support. None of her kids, ages 6-18 needed professional counseling.


At some point, if you haven't already, no matter how self-serving of what your XWS did, you'll have to find it in your heart to forgive. It will become a HUGE force in how your kids will see you as a parent. Her mistakes was hers alone and must now spend the rest of her life pondering over her choices IF she ever comes to tems with it. Your role as a single parent has just doubled. Don't ever let your bitterness towards your XWW flow into your children's lives. Harder to do since you're probably still emotionally raw. But it's part of the healing process---forgiveness.


Good luck.

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Darth Vader
Because NOT caving would mean that everything she did and the way she did it and the consequences of her actions would have been dragged out in front of everybody and there would be no way she could justify any of it. She's still to this day hiding from herself and what she is. Saving face is really that important to her.


So, this way it's my word against hers. She gets to call me all kinds of names to whoever is willing to listen, she gets to play the victim, she gets to live in her fantasy world. She can pretend to have some redeeming social value now.


Happy ending? You've got to be kidding. Winning a divorce is like winning a tornado. I get stuff, sure, I get my kids, good, but I get a broken home, and the love of my life turned out to be a sick, lying, twisted slut.


I'm sure in no hurry to go out and get that 'coochie'. There's some 'coochie' trying to get me as it is. Dangerous woman. Agressive, life of the party, fun, etc. etc. Look what happened last time... no thanks! I may NEVER be ready. And, certainly not for the one who's pursuing me now!


No, I think it's best if I stay celibate until I can't stand it anymore.



Sure, no one really wins in a Divorce, but, at least you don't have to listen to her crap, and neither do the children! It's better for your children to come from a broken home, than to live in one. From what you've gone through, I'm sure you'll agree, at least in part!:cool:


Need to borrow my saber to repel Psyhco Lady?:p:lmao: You sure know how to reel them in!:p She's probably very HOT too, am I right?:rolleyes::eek:

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I have to disagree with this. Not only is it very immature and pointless, she could document it and it could come up in court at a later date. Hopefully you aren't out getting heavily intoxicated when you have kids at home.

The best revenge is silence and indifference toward her, not childish antics.



I'm going to be nice and not say a word! :mad:

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I'm so envious. I'm waiting and hoping that my STBXH will sign. Not a word since I sent him the agreement. I can't wait to have this party...

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It's a euphoric feeling when the cheater signs and you're free of their crap!


A big 'Grats to you!!! :bunny:



Like standing in the rain, arms riased in a cleansing rain, after having crawled thorugh a mile long river of crap aka "Shawshank Redemtion" style shoutinf in toue mins, "FREEDOM!" and then "Catching The Bus To Mexico"


That's what it was like for me, and I can so relate to that movie. And that's where I'm at mentaily and emotionally today. I free of all the BS and all the crap, I caught the bus to Mexico and all I'm doing now is just chillin. I've been through the BS and the crap, and now its "nothin' but gravey" :cool:


Its strange, but I did have some trouble adapting to the concept of just "chillin out!" I fought and struggled for so long, that it was an adjustment to realize that I had gotten to the otherside? That I had made it to the beach? I had struggled so hard, fought so hard to make it to the beach ~ I didn't recognize it once I had arrived?

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Like standing in the rain, arms riased in a cleansing rain, after having crawled thorugh a mile long river of crap aka "Shawshank Redemtion" style shoutinf in toue mins, "FREEDOM!" and then "Catching The Bus To Mexico"


That's what it was like for me, and I can so relate to that movie. And that's where I'm at mentaily and emotionally today. I free of all the BS and all the crap, I caught the bus to Mexico and all I'm doing now is just chillin. I've been through the BS and the crap, and now its "nothin' but gravey" :cool:


Its strange, but I did have some trouble adapting to the concept of just "chillin out!" I fought and struggled for so long, that it was an adjustment to realize that I had gotten to the otherside? That I had made it to the beach? I had struggled so hard, fought so hard to make it to the beach ~ I didn't recognize it once I had arrived?


Gunny, draw me a map man.... draw me a map :laugh::laugh:!!

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It's been a while. I don't know if you remember me, but I thank you for your support in the past! Congratulations and I wish you the best!

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