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I like this guy who I used to be going out with and ever since he got his liscense he's changed. He has treated me differently since, and has broken up with me a few times and has had other relationships. I can't seem to get over him because i've became emotionally attached to him and I don't know what I see in him. Should I take the risk of trying to get him back and possibly being hurt again or should I try and forget about him and find someone else who is better than him. What should I do I need all the advice I can get.

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How many times do you have to hit your thumb with a hammer before you figure out it hurts? If he's treating you badly, dump the loser and say good riddance! Find someone who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

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Being alone is better than being treated like crap isn't it? You are worth more than being treated without respect and dignity no matter what your circumstance.


Even though he may just be enjoying his new freedom, looking around at his new prospects, the fact is that there are plenty of other guys out there who don't need to do that. They will come, just be patient and know what you want from a guy - don't settle.


Or, you could talk to him about it. You know let him know how he's behaving, how you feel, what you would like, etc. If he means that much to you, you should at least give it a try first.


Good luck.

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I have been in a similar situation where I was hung up on some loser and I couldn't let go. He treated me like crap but I hung in there and lost a lot of self-esteem and respect for myself.


You are obviously young...why allow some immature, boy the chance to ruin you emotionally. I have come to realize that I am much better than that and the most important person in my life is me.


Walk away from this guy. Don't explain why you are doing it...it's not his business. You are doing this because it is the best thing for you. He will contact you when he realizes that you have stopped chasing him. When he does, either don't respond or tell him to beat it.


This is what you need to do for you...this loser doesn't deserve you. Believe in yourself.

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