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20 lbs to lose, help and support?

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Ok, I want to lose about twenty pounds, even ten would be good. But I would like some tips from some people who have had sucess, becuase I have hit a platoo, so I need help on the plateau part, and I would like some support too please. Thanks guys!

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Not to panic....and don't think of it as a plateau...just a temporary space in time. It's OK. Your body needs just a bit of rest...maybe a week or so...to get used to weighing less before it moved on down the scale.


There is an absolute law of physics that you just can't get around. Every pound equals 3500 calories. If your usual consumption of food is 2000 calories a day to maintain your weight, if you start taking in 1500 a day, you will loose one pound every seven days. If you exercise and burn off even more calories than you usually do, that time is cut down.


Stay on the program no matter what. Weigh yourself every week instead of three times a day and you won't notice the plateaus so much.


Remain on the plan and you'll loose the final 20 pounds in no time. Remember, take in less food and burn more calories. There's NO other diet in the world that works better in the long term.


Also, remember once you reach your goal you can't go back to your old ways. Eat less and be more active.


If you need motivation on a daily basis, go here----> http://www.dietbites.com/ (I've navigated that site and it seems pretty terrific) or go to http://www.google.com and type "diet motivation" into the search field for hundreds of sites that I promise will keep you pumped up!!!

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Plateaus in fat loss are almost entirely a matter of metabolic adaptation. Your basic metabolic needs shrink to accomodate the caloric deficit you've put yourself into as you lost bodyfat prior to this last 20.


I don't know what your current program is. If you have been eating a reduced-calorie diet for awhile (several months) you may have hit adaptation. Are you engaged in proper weight training? This is the most important activity to do when shedding bodyfat. It is the only way to effectively preserve muscle tissue and help maintain (sometimes even increase) overall metabolic needs.



Please elaborate on what it is you've been doing up to this point.

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