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...weird coincidense?

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I just viewed a new message from the "Names Database", which I apparently joined in 2005. It said I had an unread message from "Daniel C. Smith"....I remember seeing this message in the past and always deleting it, cuz I don't who this person is.


But it occurred to me this could be someone I knew in high school. So I viewed this "unread message", which is dated 2006. It says, "I saw your name on the database and thought I'd send you a message. I don't know how to attach a pic here but I will if I can. Get back at me if you want to." - "DAN".....


Okay well "Dan" is just my alias for him on here. However, his real name is actually a shorter version of a longer name just like Dan is to Daniel. But his shortened name is not a very common one, not near as common as "Dan" really is. So the sign-off on this message was actually not "Dan" it was...well the "Dan" I talk about here. I met him in 2005, and the message is dated 2006...it also said this person went to "Dan's" high school...not my high school. And I've never known anyone else from that high school, other than "Dan". But if I already knew him, why would he offer a pic? I thought, it must have been a time that he tried to contact me? We used to lose touch for months. I've also changed my number once since knowing Dan. In fact, it was around that time, 2006. It also sounds very much like Dan to say "get me back if you want to".


So I'm going through all this with him right now, and suddenly I get a new update from the Names Database that I have an unread message from him that is over 2 years old?! I haven't seen this update message in forever...is this a major coinicidense or what? Over these last couple months, there were 2 or 3 times that Dan called literally while I was in deep thought about him, after no contact for a week or 2...but the phone would ring like magic and there he was calling. And now this....WTF!

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Oh but the other weird thing is the last names are mismatched...the message says "Smith" but Dan's last name is not that, although all the other similarities are there...WTF!


...cant' reply to messages there without paying...forget that..

Edited by LoveLace
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Yea i get a little too excited about stuff like that...but I think maybe it was just some dude trying to date me or something...but definitely a major coincidense in place and name and such..oo weird

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