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How Did You Choose Your Username?

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My name is to describe how what I thought was true, wasn't and it bent every part of my life. My mind(wanted to die), my body(dropped 22lbs in a month), my trust( obvious), my faith in the man I married(Mr. Messy Pants), and my soul( he killed it). Not broken means that I am on my way out of the other side stronger, smarter, self assured, confident in my future, in short in God's hands. And with Him I can't lose. I am whole and happy:)

I figured that's how you got your name. Only one thing I disagree with--he did NOT kill your soul. You are better than him and will be so over him soon. I cannot wait until you start reporting on how blissful things are with you.:)

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Do you really want to know? grrrrrrr, baby, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I've never heard the term...where does it originate? I can guess, but I'd rather embarrass the he** out of you!

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Duplicate post for a duplicate thread! Here you go!


Mine is my initials and the house number of a place I used to live.


Boring huh. In retrospect I wish I had come up with something a little more interesting or catchy. Oh well. Maybe I will do a KrytieTV one day and change it.

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Hi all!


I'm intrigued by a lot of usernames here at LS and wondered how you came to choose them.


I suppose I'll get asked about mine, so here goes.


My dad had a restaurant and used to hire a lot of let's say fresh arrivals to work for him. One of these new arrivals had a developed a crush for me. I would teach him English and he would teach me Spanish. He worked hard and eventually my dad put him in charge. On top of this he started his own business and 11 or 12 years later we used his services. This is when he told me he had a crush on me all those years ago. He didn't tell me then because he didn't think he was good enough for me. He said, "I'll never be able to climb that tree and pick that white flower." It was so touching. Little did he know that I had a crush on him, too, at the time we worked together. But I started dating the man I would eventually marry. I have never told this story before.


Awww, that's cute. I chose mine when I was about 12 (15 years ago) and was feeling philosophical about not wanting to have a certain path forced on me. It kind of a no fate/no destiny kinda thing. I was 12 so I thought spelling it wrong with aLTeRnaTiNg CaPS would be c00L.


I keep my screen names, email addresses and phone numbers forever. If you guys ever run across a phateless on a different board, it's most likely me. Although some Jackass already stole my name on gmail!!! I'm pissed! I even emailed him to ask wtf, lol :cool:

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I wish I had been more creative in coming up with mine ~ but it's pretty obvious. I had been thinking that I was totally crazy for ever signing on for this (my A with a MM) and knew that if anyone in my real life ever knew what I was and am up to they would do just that.... Call me CRAZY. Somedays I still think I am.... :)


White Flower, I love your story. I was curious if you ended up learning Spanish? Hablo bastante bien...;)

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I chose mine because of the butterfly in me that likes to socialize and they have pretty colors too. :)

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My user name is not in any way egotistical - honest! 'Posh' because for some reason MM thought I was. Ok, I had a slightly less working class upbringing than he did but, posh? No way! My friends think it's hilarious. Plus I have a very South London accent - not at all posh!


As for Princess, he used to call me that. He told me that I was his big Princess and his daughter was his little Princess :sick: It's quite ironic really as I have always hated that for a pet name and my Dad and I used to take the p*ss out of men who called their daughters 'Princess'. My Dad even bought me an apron once saying, "What part of the word Princess don't you understand?" as a joke.


There you go. Kind of shows how obsessive I am about MM that my user name is totally linked to him. V sad. :rolleyes:

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Mine is a combo of acronyms built from my city and online name used for other message boards that have nothing to do with relationships.

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Just had to try and warn posters...


Be very careful about giving out too much information on the net...


It is threads like this that people collect information about you and over time the amount of info they have can eventually identify you...


Please, please, as a warning, be careful about what info you give out...Not everyone on the net has the best of intentions...


This includes PM's...



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I've never heard the term...where does it originate? I can guess, but I'd rather embarrass the he** out of you!


i guess because of Green Eyes advice, I better not say... but I don't mind you embarrasing me..... ;)

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I'm original! Well, Gwyneth is my name, and my mom named me after her favorite Actor Blythe Danner's daughter, Gwyneth Paltrow. Little did my mom know that Gwyneth Paltrow would be an A-list, Oscar winning actress some day. My sister's name is Bronwyn--we're very Welsh with the names.

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Hi all!


I'm intrigued by a lot of usernames here at LS and wondered how you came to choose them.



Cobra... its short for Cobra Commander, from GI Joe. Old gradeschool nickname, cause I was always the bad guy. In fact my old motto...


"If your not cheating, then your not trying"



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My name reflects my extraordinary fortune in frinding the right woman at the right time in my life. I've been "lucky" ever since...


Mr. Lucky

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I wish I had been more creative in coming up with mine ~ but it's pretty obvious. I had been thinking that I was totally crazy for ever signing on for this (my A with a MM) and knew that if anyone in my real life ever knew what I was and am up to they would do just that.... Call me CRAZY. Somedays I still think I am.... :)


White Flower, I love your story. I was curious if you ended up learning Spanish? Hablo bastante bien...;)



Don't know Spanish as well as I should by now. But I can say, "YO TENGO HAMBRE! and silly things like that. My French is better.

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Cobra... its short for Cobra Commander, from GI Joe. Old gradeschool nickname, cause I was always the bad guy. In fact my old motto...


"If your not cheating, then your not trying"




Very, very ironic!!! I used to play with my Barbie and my neighbor friend played with his GI Joe. All the neighbor kids joined in for one big, happy plastic family. Good times...

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Just had to try and warn posters...


Be very careful about giving out too much information on the net...


It is threads like this that people collect information about you and over time the amount of info they have can eventually identify you...


Please, please, as a warning, be careful about what info you give out...Not everyone on the net has the best of intentions...


This includes PM's...





Thanks, GEL. Hadn't thought of that.

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Mine has nothing to do with being 'wise', but that's the common assumption. Heck...I KNOW I'm not wise.


Its a long story that ties back to an accident that my brother had many years ago, and he nearly died. I was the first person "on scene", and provided the initial first aid for him. He actually died twice in the emergency room, and the doctors were amazed that he'd survived the initial trauma long enough to even get that far. They said it was a miracle, and that the first aid he received must have contributed to it.


We're native american, and most of the native american peoples don't normally give the name 'owl'...since its the only bird of prey that flies at night, its often associated with death. The only people given the "owl" name are those whose medicine is strong enough to overcome the "death" connotation that often goes with the name.


In a way, he and I both 'overcame death'. So it became part of both of our names.


So you see, its nothing to do with 'being wise', like most people assume. Its just part of who I am.

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We're native american, and most of the native american peoples don't normally give the name 'owl'...since its the only bird of prey that flies at night, its often associated with death.


Tx Owl, I didn't know that. I've always felt drawn to owls, because of that penetrating stare, like they can read your soul. At the same time, having worked with them, I know they're the only bird you can't trust, because they're moody and volatile and deadly in their ferocity.


Worthy of respect, owls. A mantle you wear with that in mind, I'm sure.

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