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Wife Does not want to have sex anymore...

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How was it in the very early stages of the relationship? Was there passion? If so, how long did that passionate period last?

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Oh boy another thread for sexless ! why the hell there are a lot of sexless marriage on earth !:rolleyes:


Because one, or both partners, get bored with having sex with the same old person over and over. Not that the sex isn't any good...but I believe some people don't feel that newness any longer, or the thrill of conquest.


Its like if you had steak every day for the rest of your life...steak is awesome...but sooner or later you may get tired of it.


I'm not that way...but I believe alot of people are...they just get bored having sex with the same person for too long.

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Is there any possibility that she is a deeply closeted lesbian? My ex-husband's first wife was/is, and the first inklings that there was a problem had to do with lack of sex/interest in sex, to the point where penetration was impossible. She didn't "realize" this was her orientation until some serious couples counselling brought it (or her!) out, so to speak.

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